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Hello, i'm Zyzy Ryu Kyon Minho :3
Sweet 20
I'm into fashion ♥

Monday, March 19, 2007

aloha=).tutay shkul was den,tat fat gal stil kip talkin n starin at me.lyk wtf...i dun gv a damn 2 mpek2 person lyk her especially!!! lyk duh! ANW,tutay durin the 1st period of the lesson,tat ish mathz,i felt lyk vomitin n almost fainted in klaz...luckily ma beshtie,ADAM,hold me shey..r else i wil fall 2 the ground lyk 1 dead ppl lei.=(( i duno wat happen to me tis daez.i felt shumtin diff abt me sickness bcum worst.summore cant mit CYG for 2wkz.coz ive been grounded abt gg out evrydae tingy.cnt go pit all.haiz!
miserable larsh.=( i HATE ma parentz.aftr tat,durin recez,ma fwenz cindy gv me a bdae treat.she spend nugget 4 $1 4 me lei.awwww,thx cindy!=P aftr tat,blablabla,shkul endz,went to eng rmedial.the teacher was super2 fun! i gt loadz of swiitz! YAY! yupi swiitz taush! AFTR TAT,takin picx in klaz,dreamin abt him while sleepin.feel lyk huggin him now.IMISHHELMI.DOYOUMISHME??? i hope ehx?teehee

den aftr tat,i got rokok frm ma chinese fwenz!
WOOHOO! yay! thx niven n duno wu frm 4A1.teehee
thx loadz!

k lor.til here den.c abt 2mr.=)
