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Hello, i'm Zyzy Ryu Kyon Minho :3
Sweet 20
I'm into fashion ♥

Friday, March 23, 2007

tutay ish friday.yea,lyk duh evry1 knows tat=))...ARGH! MA LEG CRAMP! stupid PE TEACHER! HMPH! make us run 3 round around the shkul, sit up 20 tymz, push up 20 tymz, stretching , & shuttle leg cramp lei...i cnt take it! argh! anw,juz 4gt about it! juz now during recez, yaya tell me tat she heard muz,ma ex,ish writing a song.& tat song ish about me.she sae tat the lyrics tat he wrote ish sho touchin. haizz.

im sho shocked wen i heard tat.WELL,wat is the past,its more turning back.i will neva 4gt wat he had done to me.he has no point of feelin down.we are no longer together.yea.tish ish fate.after recez,went back to our homeroom.sitting there alone crying.i juz duno why i suddenly cried.coz of wat?i duno.itz juz tat,tish ish the 1st tym ma ex wrote a song about me . and i hope he will realise his mistake for sure.feeling down just now.coz juz realise & itx too too fast in jumping to conclusion.i duno why i have tiz attitude.i tink back,helmi will neva eva hurt me.i realise ma mistake.i dun care wateva tat gal sae, i wan tat gal to continue her frenship wit helmi.wu wana lose a fwen?me too dun wana lose a fwen. i duno wtf am i doin laz nite n wth am i tinking about laz nite until i got sho fucked up about the msg tat gal send it to helmi. plish! i wana change! i dun wana to be a burden to sum1 tat i love.i juz cant help it & i duno why.izit coz ive been hurt by sho many guyz many tymz until i alwayz kip tracking of ma baby attitude???

haizz..i felt retard.i fell useless n a shit gal.i feel sho ashame! im at a bloody asshole gal !!! argh!! ='(( .... i wish i die use to live.tiz world ish full of complication. thx 2 ma klazmatez wu console me. rli2 appreciate wat u guyz have done 4 me=)) .. && i mish all ma loved ones. dun wana lose dem. i try to stay strong but i cant.itz rli2 hard. wen i smoke after shkul, i saw ma ex.he was kinda looking at me. lyk,,,argh! plish dun luk at me! i wana 4gt about him! && plish,dun kip tinking of not ur gal anymre. go wit ur beztiez larsh!

haizz.k down rite now.nid shum rest and nid shum alone
