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Hello, i'm Zyzy Ryu Kyon Minho :3
Sweet 20
I'm into fashion ♥

Monday, April 16, 2007

elo elo elo!!! aloha aloha aloha! im bored bored boredom! get it???!~!!!! haha. im playin comp in comp lab now.freezing inside.*brr* haha.juz now wake up from F&N klaz, ma seliva was flood on the table. lolx! damn slipi head larsh sazlina! haha. im bored bored bored! stressin nowadayz. many activitiez cumin coz exam ish cumin nxt friday:)) . well, cant go OCH wit WOC.boohoo:(( . not fun larsh. hmph hmph hmph!!! now nga KECOHZ wit ma klazmate. heek heek heek. psl picx kat frenzter pon nak kecohz...hurhur. damn damn damn GILE!!!!! sori if im a bit sod dot now.haha. DUN LAYAN TIZ ORG MENTAL DARI WOODBRIDGE HOSP.heek heek heek.:PP ma hand cramp larsh shey! hee. later have eng course. alamak! damn! mlz ler. finish at 4.30. & wen goin back home, i have to be careful coz about the incident. blood still flowing from ma wrist. OUCH! adam will be sending me back home. WOOHOO! [[ wen can i mit all of u ehx? haiyo...damn long sia. SHIT! tiz ish so leceh coz exam ish cumin.argh! sori for not attending all ur trip guyz! sori many many!! ]] haizz, form teacher will be kalin ma parentz! argh! SHIT! talk about ma piercing. C**** N****!! kinda moody n crazey rite now. i oxo duno wat wrong wit me. now feel like wana pipis.haiyoyo. watz wrong wit me man??boohoo:(( . too cold & too fustrated. grr. hiak dish!! & to syu & faiz, get well soon aitez?eat ur medicine n take loadz of rez! & faiz, dun let me jangkit ur sicknez ehx?noti2!! i dun wana be sick la deh! haha. FAIZ JAHAT!! anw,mish enaa, & all of ma beshtie so damn much! mit u guyz soon after MYE! haha.

well,tiz thur going for ma backbone checkup. hehe.curve positive! im cacat! wuek! not fair! nvmz. continue to sit straight. hehe. ellisa!!! plz stop singin BARNEY SONG can? haha. kau gile ehx?haha.da kne jangkit ku ehx? I LOVE U,U LOVE ME, WE ARE HAPPY FAMILY, WIT A GREAT BIG HUG, & A KISH FROM ME TO U,MUAHX!! WONT U SAY U LOVE ME TOO....HEHE.haha.HOHO.teehee.HURHUR.wekwek.GAGA.heehee. k larsh til here den. will continue at home later. DAH!!!


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