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Hello, i'm Zyzy Ryu Kyon Minho :3
Sweet 20
I'm into fashion ♥

Thursday, April 12, 2007

today was damn cold dae. wet all the wae after shkul. went home & went out wit adam 2 accompany him repair hp.haiyo...mcm2 prob larsh hp ko adam:DD... but cigg using ma money.viceroy red.kewl! feeling strez juz now. as many tingz rolling around ma head. feeling wana burst rite now as i take 5 tabletz of panadol. crazey huh??!! nvmz...can eat more den tat. btw, HAPPY 5 MONTH ANNI TO ZIZI & MIMI!!!! haha...hope u guyz last long wit each ode! woo! :DD..make myself happy ehx? anw,eat loadz juz now...after eating at long john,went 2 MAC buy ice cream.IM STREZ JUZ NOW! derez sumtin disturbin my mind until now.& i duno wat izit. haizz...exam ish around the corner,,no more gg out after tiz week.mayb gg out awhile wit fwenz...tat can cheer me up:)). dey will alwayz be dere for me.ILOVEBESHTIE!!! [[ NOTE TO ADZRI & HAFIZ, KORANG STOP STEP ABG2 KAT KOLA EHX? KORANG PANGGIL KU EMOSHIT,KORANG SENDIRI RMBT MCM PEPEK NABEY SIA! LUK AT URSELF B4 SAE ABT SUMONE U NABEY! TAKMO STEP KAT KOLA ARX. FRINGE KU PANJANG KAL EMO PE???WTH SIA! MPEK SIA! KORANG ARE SO DAMN IDIOTIC PPL ARX..LAME & CHILDISH!!!! ]] otey.tatz all i wana sae.buhbye.haizz... HEART STILL IN PAIN:'((
