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Hello, i'm Zyzy Ryu Kyon Minho :3
Sweet 20
I'm into fashion ♥

Friday, June 29, 2007

this past few days,alot of things being happening to my life.Alot of homework,coursework to be done,malay ,physics and stuff.Yesterday,28 June,i feel sick.I have stomach ache and i found out that ive being food poisoning.In class,i cant even concentrate.Vomiting 3 tyms.Haiyo.Cant even hold a pen to write.Ish3.Then after school,went to Food Lab 1, for my practical N LEVEL Exams.I cook roti jala,onde-onde and Hotdog and cheese bread roll.All was turn out so fine.hees.Nice3.Now,im in computer lab,doing my coursework.Next 2 weeks,start my oral prelim.Im scared!! &&today in school,our class have new different colour tables!WOOHOO! I take red.hehe.Kewl kn3?LYK FUCK SIA! I SIT BESIDE HUI XIANG??!!THAT IRRITZ GUY LA! boohoo.later he kacau me shey.nvmz la.bit him up real oni zyzy.anw for the info of my beshties that i love the most,if all of u already rapat with this girl from my class,and u all know that i dont like her,i have to leave u all of u.I cant be with all of u if i see her hanging around with u guyz.DAMN FUCKING IRRITATING.NAK STEP FIERCE.kasi 1 penampar sedap sak.If u guyz wana get along with her,im sori,i have to step back.thats all from me :)).


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

My fun day with my beshties,FAIZ.Went to town,had alot of fun with him.WOO! we had gone through so many trouble time with my cuz,EZILA.She like faiz,but faiz dont like him.wth la that girl.she had alot of outrage when i msg with faiz.faiz ish my dearez behstie.she cant seperate the both of us.we hate EZ....i had a tough time with her last friday.had a big fight with her.bash her face up.That feels so good shey.Me & Ez were sent to hospital coz of minor not terok arx.she kena terok happy la,coz i atlast bash her face up.Her age is 20,but attitude like a small kid.wana take people property.WTF SIA! angry with her sia.kene kitchap sia.hurhur.kewl3....yesterday in school was average.But we had a bad news yesterday.1 of our schoolmate pass away because of brain so pity of that boy.His gone in such a young age.That chinese boy was in secondary 3.haiyo...anw,meet my classmates yesterday and we all went kecohs sia! fun fun!! WOO! alot of jokes,my fwenz did.haha,during assembly i cant stop laughing & i duno why.hehe.otey la.thats it!MISH MA FWENZ & BESHTIEZ & DEAREZ BACEN!

Monday, June 11, 2007

elosh.last friday went out with faiz,went to queensway to buy ma ring stud for cheap lei. damn good arx. && faiz ish short.haha.i kal him katek adeq.haha.pdahal he is more older then me.hehe.mish those at adam house.playing comp.finish ma f&n examz.feeeyuuuu.mish faiz ,enaa all larsh shey! hope this friday get to meet them...&& had a bad times this past few dayx.sumtin bad hppn.TO ALL MY BESHTIES,U NOE WAT HAPPEN TO ME HEH?!!haha...&& now chatting with faiz ketotz.hurhur.we are damn crazey! i wan to cum bck to holidae was damn boin! kkx. till here. [[ AND FOR THIS GUY,THIS ISH FOR U! I DONT LOVE U! I HATE U! DUN EVER MSG ME AGAIN OR ANYTING! THX OKEY??!!!! NEVER AGAIN I WILL FALL FOR YOU!]]\
