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Hello, i'm Zyzy Ryu Kyon Minho :3
Sweet 20
I'm into fashion ♥

Monday, July 23, 2007

Hello. I'm here to tell all the Watchout Clan that they have misjudge me. I heard from my friend that they hated me about Suhanah and Emi thingy. For your information, i didnt know anything about this. I just knew the news today, and that is from my friend. My hp was left with my friend, fazli on friday. And I forgotten to take it back as i was going to malaysia for two days. I came back this morning. And I'm not guilty of this. Zy KAYPO?! Zy so BAD?! I didnt even knew about this thing at all. My friend himself have been apologising to me, for not asking for my consent to msg and put some pictures at my friendster and even send it to karul, ana's boyfriend. I totally have no idea what is going on. Only today, i know. And my friend, fazli is also at FIESTARI, and saw emi with other girl. So he took some picture of them. Enaa was there too and she saw emi with suhanah. Enaa just msg my handphone to tell about it. but when Enaa msg my hp, she didnt know that my friend was the one holding on to my hp. So all the plan or whatever, is my friend my doings. NOT ME!!! So why the fuck are YOU(EMI) scolding me vulgarities?! Am I that bad?! And ZY ALWAYS GO OUT WITH OTHER GUYS? WITH MY BESTIES CAN'T GO OUT MEH? Is that a sin?! I asked Emi for so many times and asking him when can we meet and his reply will always be "WHEN I'M FREE, WE'LL MEET". This is the only answer he gave to me OVER AND OVER AGAIN. I msg him again, and he didnt reply. So is that my fault too?! ZAINI himself knows and hear me crying on the phone with him about EMI. Is that meaningless for all of you? Why the fuck will i seek for ZAINI'S help if I didnt love EMI anymore? Why must zy always make the first move to msg EMI, but not him? I go out with Adam and Fiq because they are my besties for three years! WTF?! Dengar dengar zy keluar ngan laki laki lain pe.? They know how I feel when I cry and worry that Emi doesnt love me anymore. Why must i be blamed? Dengar2, bz with poly life cant spare 1 min to msg me pe? He also dont care to msg me. I know how bz he is but at least msg me that he is okay or something. Im feeling damn lonely lah can? All of you just dont knw how i feel. You just know emi feelings. thats all. because he's your best friend and im just a new kid in your friend list.WTF. go ahead and maki maki zy bukan2 uh. I know im not at fault. Who is the one suffering now? Me or him? Just think uh!!!!! anyway, cant you read properly? I labelled myself as "SINGLE" in the previous post recently. Cant you see the inverted commas? Kate BESAR pe. How come tak tau seh the meaning of INVERTED COMMAS? I put myself as "SINGLE" because i feel that Emi doesnt love me anymore. And I didnt ask for a breakup. Neither of us asked for it. So get it straight. Dont anyhow misjudge me. How come must it be SILENT BREAK? tak boleh tanye break sendiri pe? Bisu pe sia? & one more thing, mind your words uh. If I'm perangai ANJING, you're worst. You're undescribable! So stop assuming things and blaming me and Enaa. Enaa just msg my hp and then my friend ; FAZLI is the one whom asked Enaa for Ana's boyfriend's number. And Enaa already ADMITTED to EMI about giving the number. That's all she did. Other then that, dont blame her. And again , I DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THIS. I JUST KNEW ABOUT THIS, TODAY! OKAY GUYS?!