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Hello, i'm Zyzy Ryu Kyon Minho :3
Sweet 20
I'm into fashion ♥

Friday, November 30, 2007

Hello. Today was average. Not going out. So boring la can?? Now chatting with my irritating little godbro nazri. grr. BISH BISH BISH! Feel so sleepy right now but cant close my eyes. haha :D chitty chitty bang bang!! another three days to explosion! woo! cant wait for this monday. hees. And im happy that my longest cousins ezila and rika are gone!! woo! they are such a pain in the ass la shey!

otey otey. nothing to say for now. hees. till here.


Thursday, November 29, 2007

Hello :)) Today was quite boring. Not going out by the way. Just entertain my cousin who came to my house just now around noon.

Anyway, want to wish my beshtie ain, HAPPY 18 BIRTHDAY !! hees. woo! may god bless you and may your relationships grow strong each day otey?? :))

Well, i felt lonely right now. Without dearest, friends, cousins and beshties. haiz. boohoo :(( But, im happy that my life now are much more better than my past time. I really really happy to have a great life. But some part of my life are sux. Curfew and stuff. Being judge without any good reasons. sheesh. Really bad huh?!

Now, im chatting with no one, just listening to music. hmm. But somehow, really got to say this truthfully, i've been dreaming alot of my latest ex and think about him. I dont know why. I still do love him till now, but the feeling of love not that strong like last time. haiz. My luck. Well, i still have my dearest to take care of me. His so sweet and just want to say this to my dearest, "Dear, no matter what happen to us, i will always love you. I promise. This isnt a love monkey thingy. I LOVE YOU FAIZ♥♥♥

till here.


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Today had fun time with dearest. Smooth move. Hees. I mish him already :) we went to aljunied and eat nasi briyani and nasi lemak. yummy yummy!! feeling damn hungry that time. then we spent our alone time together. aww. sho romantic lei. hees. i like. kx la. till here.


Friday, November 23, 2007

heloo..after 1 week of not meeting dearez , 2day i got 2 meet dearez..yay!! We went to cybercafe to play computer. heel. I miss surfing the net lei. We spent 4 hrs in the cybercafe as i was having fun updating my friendster's, myspace and blog. Beside that, dearez played with his PSP and i knew that he is freezing of the air-con. Hehe. Sorry hunneh pooh. Just excited playing computer larsh.gaga.after that proceed to pasir ris to eat.Both of us ate half fried chicken.yummy yummy!! Delisioso!! Well, my stomach expand alot. Haha.Bonchit taush. Ish.Sho not abit sick 2day but never mind. I miss deares soo much thats why.Cant wait 2 meet enaa on 7 december.Woo!! Miss her alot toosh!! Hope she doesn't 4get about me huh?? AND I MISS MY OWN FRINGE!!! When want to grow longer again, fringe?? Boohoo!! Because of my itchy hand cutting my fringe, end up cutting like bangs. Sheesh.Bla bla, when back home around 7.45 pm. reach home around 8.12 pm.Damn. Start to miss my darling la shey!!Yayang, if you read this tag B plish.Thanky dear.muax.I Love You Damn Soo Much.Till here. [Not to saya and nisa: Plz give your links to zy aitez? Just tag zy.ok?thanky.Love you guys loads toosh.]


Sunday, November 18, 2007

Monday, November 12, 2007

Sunday, November 4, 2007

I just want to wish happy 3rd mnth anniversary to my dearest faiz. I love you till eternity and i wont let us break our relationship. This is for real and i want to build a happy life with you. Its very hard to find a guy lyke you. I love you soo much honey.Just call out my name and i will be beside you. Muax. Faizy forever. Although there's no forever love, we will make it forever. Trust me darling.Im happy that we still stay strong although we fought alot. Even in soccer games heh?haha.ok then.Till here is ma post for today.tata<3