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![]() Sweet 20 Attached I'm into fashion ♥ Jadore♥ ♥ Nizamdead ♥ Adeq Ah-een♥ ♥ Adie Nov 19 ♥ Diyanah KC ♥ Dellila ♥ Dyrawr ♥ Dee; kaysiao ♥ Elly Chan F21 ♥ Faz Maniac ♥ Fatwan Nov 19 ♥ Fanakechykk♥♥♥ ♥ Feycka Montello♥♥ ♥ Hani Beybey♥♥ ♥ Hidayah Helia ♥ Insan ♥ Idah Ryn ♥ Jocelyn F21 ♥ Leana♥♥ ♥ Liyana BA ♥ Mar ♥ Nadd ♥ Pikka ♥ Regina♥♥♥ ♥ Yantoi
March 2007
April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 May 2011
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Today in school, went to class late but luckily our teacher never lock the door yet :)) During FTY lesson, mrs soh talked about waxing stuff and all my fella classmates love to talk about this waxing hair sia! haha. FUN WEI! haha. Talking about waxing our private part, armpit, legs and nose hair. lolx XD SSHH! We went laughing like hell and that was the very fun moment we had. Went back at 5. Damn late. Before that, i cried during LLA lessons :) Because this story of a father who love his son. Its so damn touching and i cried. haha. Im touched sia. haiz. Went back with dearest. At last i saw JELLO! haha. He was damn cute sia. But he refused. He ask me not to be so "merepek" and dont call him cute! grr! YOUR CUTE LA U ASS! haha. YAY YAY YAY! I saw him at last. Like small kids sia me! haha. Ok lor. No want to go to sleep lor. Tata<3 [FaiZy]
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
![]() Hello.
Today school was fun fun fun! Today had air brush tattoo done by the last badge of beauty therapy. But too bad,i cant get the chance to have the temporary tattoo because the machine was overuse and so yea. But never mind, im still smiling heh? Today had seminar at the auditorium :) A bit bored la. But most of the office course damn irritating sia! Make lots of noises and throw things to the front. Like fuck sia. ish. Bad attitude of theirs. Finish at 4.30pm :) We went down the stairs like one bunch of mak neneks sia. haha. Some of us legs are shaking sia. haha. CRAZY! BECAUSE OUR LEGS ARE CRAMP TOO! haha. Then went back with dearest and hang around near eastpoint there. I took alot of candid pictures of dearest. teehee :pp So sexy la him. WIWIT! Ok lor. By the way, i saw my myspace friend in school! HAFIZ!! HAHA. His cute too. hees. But miss the chance because i cant shout his name and so yea. My voice become more rabak sia. haha. Ok till here. [FaiZy]
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
![]() Hello.
Today in school was fun. But i was sick and do have some flu and sore throat. My friends like to hear my voice when im sore throat sia. Cibai tol. haha. My voice rocking sia. Really :pp I cant shout as it will go so damn high pitch. haha XD Then today got napfa test. I only pass my inclined pull ups, sit ups, shutter run and 2.4 run :) Ok. la. Not so good. Get top 100 for 2.4 run. And my position is in the 69th place. Not good kan? aiyoyo, But so far, it was a good run after all. Thanks shi ni for the support!! And now my body aching like hell. ooh ooh nono! haha. Then went back with dearest. His proud of me for the napfa test. Thanks for the compliments too hunneh pooh! <333 And he kiss me loads of time. aww. So sweet la you :)) I kiss him tons back. hehe. I miss you dearest :)) And i saw my myspace friends, hadi, in school! At last. His shorter than me sia. haha. But cute what. Ok. Till here. [FaiZy]
Monday, January 28, 2008
Hello. Today facial practical, partner with shi ni. haha. I bully her too and she complained that she had an urgent business. haha. KENCING LOR! haha. Blablabla, at cafe 2 for lunch, solehan bully me by beating me behind. grr. Im going to get you tomorrow solehan boncet!! haha :DD Nasty la. Blabla, finish school at 5 and go back with dearest. Had loads of fun with him as i bite dearest hand and cheeks. hees. His so damn cute you know?? grr!! haha. Tomorrow will bite you some more. And oh my fucking god! NAFA test tomorrow and havent even warm up myself sia. sheesh. Confirm "pancet" sia half way of 2.4 run. hurhur :p Nevermind, will try my best though :) Well thats it for today. Had some breasts bullies today!! :XX [FaiZy]
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Just came back from family outing. Ala, just bought some polish remover and make-up kit :)) Anyway, just being irritated by this girl. Dont want to put her name here :) Well, if someone mention her name, or whatever, i just hate to hear her name. So yea. Being boast sia she! Cibai! Yea yea. She's hot. Im not jealous by the way. Just her behavior towards old friends. Cant accept it. Till now, will hate her behavior as i know shes changed now. Ok. SHUT UP ZYZY! Well now, chatting with my net friends :) Boring though :) Ok. Now my temper over the limit ready!! ARGH!! Tata <333 [FaiZy] ![]() Hello!!
Well, soon will be going out with parents to buy my beauty stuff :) Ler, example like COMPACT POWDER LA CAYANG OI! sheesh. Now messaging with dearest as he is so blur. haiz. I told him i off line at 3pm. But the other way, he said that i told him i online at 3pm. aiyoyo. Read the message carefully la hunneh pooh! Bacen tol la kamu :B Plus, myspacing with hafiz, ikii and one more guy, i dont know who. haha. Forget ler. Im short term memory what. ceyceycey :pp Im damn bored today and plus miss my darling, fazzy. hmm. Hun, i miss you shey. I cant wait to meet you tomorrow at school and pinch your cheekz hard hard!! haha XD Jangan marah heh? bwekx :p NOTE TO EZILA: Well, i know you like faiz from last time but that doesnt mean you can take him away from me. Your my cousin and your older than me. Grow up can??!! What did you message to faiz again? Im dead and take drugs heh? NONSENCE! Im still alive and yes, im still here, loving him. So?? Is that a problem to you? You want to call up your members full of guys acting like small kids to beat me up? sheesh! GET A LIFE BABE! I know you try to take faiz away from me but you just cant. Eventhough you try harder but you just cant :) FAHEM? YES! THATS GOOD! :DDDD And please, dont use my number or use the same typing as me to message faiz. You are a fool plus a cunt that smells rotten. haha XD JUST WANT TO LET YOU KNOW, I LOVE FAIZ FAIZ FAIZ! Read that? yea! Get that clear alright? Thanks :) Till here. [FaiZy]
Saturday, January 26, 2008
![]() Hello. Today woke up at 9 am. haha. I had my most terrible dreams. But not that terrible la. Just dreamnt about putting violet contact lens on my eyes. lolx :D Beybey! You see! Its all your fault. I've told you not to show your adorable contact lens to me kan? grr! Now i kept dreaming about contact lens. ish. Thats bad. But nevermind. Going to buy it soon. haha. bwekx! Violet more LAWA than grey ehx dearest! Piak piak you then you know arx~ haha. Well, chatting with my dearest bushy boo now. Pantet la he. Kiss me only. Later i kiss you more more hard hard then you know ehx hunneh pooh? hehe. YOU SO DAMN CUTE <3 Now, editing my picture and dearest pictures. wooee! Im damn tired and i still had bruises on ma body. sshh :x Now now, i want to eat again! Hungry bungry tau nngak?? hmph! :pp Ok dong. Till here. By the way, I CANT WAIT ABOUT NEXT SATURDAY HUNNEH POOH<333 MUAX! [FaiZy]
Friday, January 25, 2008
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Hello. And super yay to me!
Today had manicure practical. haha. Mostly my fun part of my practical learning :)) I be the model. Sheena be the therapist. My nails are hot pink in color! wooee! : B And and me, nina, nila, steph, wati and sheena can have the time by talking stupid nonsence thingy that is KUTU BULU! lolx! Like fuck sia all of us! haha. Then, meet dearest . Oh my god! Im damn jealous of his new contact lens color. grr! Dont make me jealous la oi! hmph! I will buy it soon! bwekx! haha. Then went back, took bus 21. We sat beside bangla group. One of them had bushy eyebrow and its so damn thick sia! haha XD I cant stop laughing in the bus till some of the passenger looked at me. ish ish :p naughty sia zyzy now! ish! ish! haha :DDDD Well, now i havent wipe away my cutex. hehe. Damn beautiful lei. But my nails plus hand looked like aunty sia. ish!! gaga XD Ok la. Till here. By the way, ILOVE REGINA TOOSH! MUAX! [FaiZy]
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
![]() Hello. Good morning by the way! Wakey wakey beybey! hees :p Now posting my blog while waiting for my time to get ready for school. wooee! ahuh ahuh ahuh XD Well, today will be going back at 4. haiz. So late sia. Tomorrow more worse. Finish school at 5. argh!!!! Someone help me please!! Tiring lei. And today will be doing facial practical again. sheesh. Sooner or later, my face will be white as snow white. ceyceycey. :pp Ok ok. Till here then. [FaiZy]
Monday, January 21, 2008
Hello. Today school was fun fun! hehe. Today i be the model for facial practical again la shey shey! YAHOO! Free facial you know? My skin is now smoother than ever. hurhur. This kecohz little princess.haha :D Well, just now after lunch, we had our EFC :) We had our projects to do as shown in the pictures that i've uploaded :D Well, nothing to do, took some pictures lor. hahah. PEACE! Went back with dearest. Just now in bus 31, dearest nearly fell down and he did say this sentence, "OH MAK KAU PECOT" haha. So cute la my dearest bushy boo! haha.Muax! ILY BEYBEY!<333 And and, i've been bullied by my classmates! argh! haha. They like to pinch my boobs sia! ISH ISH! haha :D Ok lor. Till here. [FaiZy]
Sunday, January 20, 2008
![]() Hello.
I MISS MY DEAREST DAMN TONS! boohoo :' ( Anyway, now myspacing, friendster-ing and listening to music la shey! Damn bored at home but now at my long cousin wedding invitation. haha. Cool! I got to ate nasi briyani! Damn tempting for a nong nong time lor. haha :DD Now sitting beside my little brother, eating his cake. YUMMY! haha. And and tomorrow schooling! yahoo :DD Meet my friends again! Miss them damn trucks loads! haha. Ok. Till here. Want to eyak beybey :X [FaiZy]
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Hello. Today was so damn bored.
Plus, miss my dearest damn damn TONS! NOT LOADS BUT TONS TONS TONS! Anyway, still myspacing with my net friend, OG! haha. Anyway OG, your not ugly. Your handsome to me ok? haha :D D D D D Everyone is beautiful ler. Anyway, now chatting with my dearest too. DADDY BUSHY BOO! I MISS YOU HUNNEH POOH< 3 Boohoo : ' ( Ok la. I want to outs! [FaiZy]
Friday, January 18, 2008
![]() Hello. Today in the morning in school, theres
a sports game at our indoor stadium :)) We had alot of fun la shey! We did cheer aloud and oh my god, we had some cheering competition lei. Around 1 hour like that, our business students ran out of energy to cheer plus shout ALOUD!! haha. Today went back with dearest and spent time with him. I miss him alot you know?? hees : p Ok ok. Till here. [FaiZy]
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Hello. Today was super tired la can?
Well, was average too. And today i saw NM & REGINA LA SHEY! haha. : D D But NM didnt saw me as i shouted his name damn loads of time but to no avail. ish ish ish. Suara da serak kan?? aiyo!! haha. SUARA ROCKERS BABE! Went home with dearest and wati. As just now bus 31 going to reach, this guy was unpatience and suddenly his head been knocked to the bus mirror. LOLX! All of the ite students went laughing out loud la shey! Damn emberrasing and with his full emotion face saying; "OUCH!!" haha. bwekx! Ok ok. Till here. Want to sleep lei. : D D [FaiZy]
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Hello. Today PE was super tiring and perspiring but still, it
was fun fun fun! haha. Then, we went for our break as we still had time to make up. Like duh! We had too! hurhur : D D But you want to know what? After our break is the facial practical and i be the model again!! argh! Waste my make-ups sia! haha. But nevermind. Still had free facial. No need to pay you know?? Bwekx :pp Then went back home with dearest. I had loads and tons of fun with him as i tickle his armpit. wakakaka : D Your armpit smell's ggoodd. lolx X D Ok till here. [FaiZy] |