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Hello, i'm Zyzy Ryu Kyon Minho :3
Sweet 20
I'm into fashion ♥

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Going through alot of sad & hurting stuff lately.
But days had passed.
I still remember him in my mind.
But i still felt hurt inside.
Really really hurt.
& this guy, came to me.
Console me & said, " Do move on.
I knew how u felt zyzy. Dont let ur feelings drown
u. U still have ur fwens & me.
Be happi like u always do."
From that moment, i felt different.
But still, confused with my heart.
Maybe his the one?
Well i know, i had
to be serious in
choosing guys now.
Well, i dont know whom to choose.
I lup them.
But, i dont know.
I had to choose just ONE.
Give me 1 month aites?
& his the one whom called
himself, BATMAN.
He really care about me.
He really lup me loads.
Im just too confused right now.
Beybey, i hope u give me time can?
Im so sorry.
I had to choose just one of u.
See luck.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Im feeling really unappreciated.
U taking my love for granted babe.
& i dont know how much more
i can take from u.
U dont do the things u use to do.
U dont even say i love u too.
& lately i've been feeling unappreciated.

Woke up this morning & saw ur face.
& u didnt look the same as yesterday.
i got the feeling that u cant seem
to see where u want to be.
& lately it aint been the same at all.
when ur here its like im invisible.
i still cant seem to see where
i went wrong.

Lately our house is not a home.
u come in, take a shower & then say im gone.
what am i to do when my hearts says leave.
but my feet wont move
& today is our anniversary
& u havent even say two words to me.
im trying hard to give u another chance.

When i first met u,
i thought u was the most perfect man
that i ever seen.
i still dont understand why.
u treat me like u do.
i use to give into ur lies.
but now i see the truth .
I dont wana hear it, im through!
yea i know i stilll be missing u.
but its not worth the pain.
that i've gained from u.
u make me unappreciated :'(

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Well, just want to said
that im damn sad & hurt today.
Thought that we met today & we will
have fun but the end, no.
Why must this happen ?
U alwasy make me happy.
But now, ur hurting me even more.
U force me to broke up with u now.
Ur making me hate u even more.
Why cant u just control ur anger towards me?
U make me irritated & stuff.
Infront of public summore.
The last time u push me infront
of public, i forgave u.
Cos ily.
I knew i had to give u chance
so that u can proof to me
that u can change.
I knew so well that it
takes time to change ur temper.
U wana temper, its fine, but pls,
dont bang things.
Now u do it again.
Its the final.
I had to let u go.
Im just too hurt.
I think back, are u the
one, really really the one
whom can make me safe with u,
make me more comfortable with u?
& my thoughts was 50-50.
I really hope we can last together.
But in the end, sadness.
Why faiz?!
I dont care ur member wana hate me cos
i know im in the right to break up with
Its hurt for me to let u go
but i have to.
I just cant take it anymore.
Its too heavy for me.
I gave u alot alot of chances.
Its over now.
I hope u'll find the right gal for ur own.
For kak regina, if u happen to read this,
am so sorry abt ur adq faiz.
I have to.
Hate me as u like.
Im so sorry i cant be with faiz anymore.
Cos his hurting me now.
& i seek for ur forgiveness kak.
I really2 lup u toosh.
Hope u will still be my kak.
Eventhough im no longer with faiz.
Im not the same as faiz previous ex ok?
I hope u understand kak.
Pls dont be angry with me kak.
Im so so sorry :'(
I know how it feels when sum1 leave ur adq.
But i just cant take it with his temper.
Dont worry about me.
I will go on, till dont know when my last breathe is .
& one more thing.
Pls tc of faiz aites kak?
Lastly, ily so much till death.
Gdbyes .....

Friday, July 25, 2008


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sunday, July 20, 2008

This was never the way i planned.
Not my intention.
I got so brave, drink in hand.
Lost my discretion.
Its not what, im used to.
Just wana try u on.
Im curious for u.
Caught my attention.
I kissed a girl & i liked it.
The taste of her cherry chapstick.
I kissed a girl just to try it.
I hope my bf dont mind it.
It felt so wrong, it felt so right.
Dont mean im in lup tonight.
I kissed a girl & i liked it.
No, i dont even know ur name.
It doesnt matter.
Ur my experimental game.
Just human nature.
Its not what, good girls do.
Not how they should behave.
My head gets so confused.
Hard to obey.
Us girls we are so magical.
Soft skin, red lips, so kissable.
Hard to resist so touchable.
Too good to deny it.
Aint no big deal, its innocent.

Friday, July 18, 2008

This 3 guys came into my life.
I dont understand my feelings now.
What had happened to me.
Why i had the 3rd parties?
Its not cos im a flirt.
Its cos of their presence make me lup them
like my bf.
But i knew that im att & i had to stay strong
with my lup one, faiz beybey boo.
U guys, i knew how u felt the
strong lup towards me.
I knew it much.
I lup u guys toosh.
But i just cant.
Im so sorry.
I really appreciate what u guys had done for me.
But i hope u guys can
make me as ur beshtie.
Thats all.
I felt so sorry for faiz ok?
I hope u guys understands me alot
thus when a person whom is att,
gg 1 year now.
I hope u guys respect my relationship.
&& i knew that u guys will be feeling
down if i say this.
I hope i can be but just possibly cant.
Im sincere to faiz & always.
If god make us together either 1 of u, thanx to allah ok?
I lup u guys so much.
Pls remember that.
Zyzy anggap krg mcm my beshtie now.
I dont want more than that cos
its too far ready for us to go.
Pls dont be mad.
Pls dont be sad.
Pls dont frowned but u know
I will always be in ur hearts.
Just one last dance for us all.
Im lost right now.
Im frust.
Im confuse with my heart now.
Till u guys came along, i felt that my life
had brighten up.
Im getting stronger.
Cos of ur courages.
So thankfull to have u guys by my side.
I knew u guys had told me alot
of times
that im diff from other gals.
Till u guys cant explained it.
I dont know what causes u guys
lup me damn much.
But seriously, i appreaciate it damn damn loads!
Till here.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Life is such a crazy thing.
its never really what it seems,
cause 1st we were chilling,
now im catching feelings
can u tell me whats this means?
Im going thru my voice mails,
& im saving every msg u sent.
I trying to read between the lines,
to see if there was sumtin i missed.
All of a sudden my vision became so clear.
Everything i needed was right here.
Before me, beybey.
So pressed to let u know,
just how u make me feel.
Never had a feeling that so real,
control me.
Dont wana play no games.
I want u exclusive.
Baby, we should just do this,
with the feelings so strong,
how can we go wrong.
No games, i want u exclusive.
Theres no more excuses,
the feelings so right,
i want u boy, i need u boy.
I really lup ur company.
Hate it when u gotta leave,
another opportunity,
for me to say everything.
So tell me if im bugging,
when u look at me like that.
I wana say sumtin,
but i dont know how u gonna react.
U knew it all along,
what was going on,
let me stake my claim,
before its too late.
I dont care how this may sound,
but u need to know right now,
so i might as well just come on out tell ya.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008