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![]() Sweet 20 Attached I'm into fashion ♥ Jadore♥ ♥ Nizamdead ♥ Adeq Ah-een♥ ♥ Adie Nov 19 ♥ Diyanah KC ♥ Dellila ♥ Dyrawr ♥ Dee; kaysiao ♥ Elly Chan F21 ♥ Faz Maniac ♥ Fatwan Nov 19 ♥ Fanakechykk♥♥♥ ♥ Feycka Montello♥♥ ♥ Hani Beybey♥♥ ♥ Hidayah Helia ♥ Insan ♥ Idah Ryn ♥ Jocelyn F21 ♥ Leana♥♥ ♥ Liyana BA ♥ Mar ♥ Nadd ♥ Pikka ♥ Regina♥♥♥ ♥ Yantoi
March 2007
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Thursday, September 25, 2008
![]() Hello people, today went to my cucu[iful] and fad jammin at 2:30. They played so well but sad, did'nt heard the part they play miz murder but so far, it was AWESOME!hehe. Around 4:30, off to bedok to buy cigg. otw there, fad, iful n airul was kecho-ing playing this game [i don't know wat izit kal]. gahh. but kiut lah the way they play. After that, went lepak around my old school for a while. We did this stupid thing call smoking through our nose. All have done it execpt airul. his eyes and face was so damn red plus coughing but iful's more worst. lolx. sorri cucu iful if nenek put about this.hehe. Ampon yer?nenek n atok lup u!den me,erry,fad n dearez went to marina and breakfast. iful and the rest went back home. But sad, nyna did'nt join us.hmph! nvmz la.eat eat eat, lepak at marina while smoking. I have fun with the especially with dearez. ilysm beybey pooh!muax!ur so romantic with me just now and kecoh about what colour should we use for hari raya. Blablabla, off to home. they sent me home.so cwit.my bro lup and dearez mah.hehe.yay.! I had and exciting day today! Mit u guys soon on 7 oct yaw!woo!ily guys too!dearez, u betta give me enough kisses tau!gaga.kx thats all for today. tata!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
![]() Dearest, i just want to tell you that i love you so damn much. For your info, your my sweetest drugs and your just like a star that shine my darkness life beybey. I thanked you for that and appreciate it loads. Dear, i don't want to lose you. I don't want the same thing happen to me like the past. Still remember the time when we first met at pasir ris park, thus chasing cats?haha. That's cute dear. And you once said that those cats i approached ran cos i was so damn fierce ehx? hurhur. Dearest, you make laugh always and can't forget about how the way you laughed. haha, Damn funny la can? When i'm sad, you try your best to cheer me up but i let you down. I ask for forgiveness beybey. I'm so sorry. I knew you love and miss me so much dearest. From the bottom of my heart, you are my very best! SERIOUS! :] I took this very minute to write this letter to you just so you know that i will always love you dear. I knew i'm a hot temper babe. Just smack my ass if i do hun! haha. Beybey pooh! Beybey pooh! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH DEAREST<333!> You gave me wings to fly up to the sky and say, " I can live happily with you". You gave me hope to live. Thank you so much dear. Lastly, just want to say that, I owned you now.
Monday, September 15, 2008
HELLO [: My day kept going up & down. Idk why but still, im strong. hehe. Well, this few days, theres a "wtf" spammer spammed dearest tag. Its stated as bloghopper toosh. WTH! Get ur own life la ehx? If i were to know ur him, thats it! DAMN IT! GET A LIFE MAN! DONT BE SO IMMATURED! IF U DARE TO TAG HIM, WHY NOT STATE UR NAME AS WELL? WHY? SCAREDY CAT ISIT? AWW, SO SAD. I was like fucking mad sia. Why just ppl cant leave me alone? Whats wrong with my relationship? This never happened to me but why now? Why must about me & fazli? & some ppl even said that dearest is a gangster. wth! Stop it sia. Mepek nak mampos siol! I know that ur too bored thats why u spammed & mengutok habis habisan la ehx? Ni bulan puase oi cik abg & cik kak! Mind ur own businees. Doesnt matter to u right?? So, why must u bother fuck?! Understand it aites? Thanx so much & appreciate it. If u just simply cant understand, then too bad, ur stupid fuck! This kinda ppl are so immatured as they dont want to use their own BRAINS to think carefully b4 doing stupid stuff to ppls. haha! Funny or unfunny? choose lor. I dont give a damn though. But doesnt mean i dun give a damn, that doesnt mean i must kept quiet with this Stupid shit right? CB! & oh! one thing aye?? Keep this in mind, if u damn me, pls leave aites? Dont waste ur energy to tag or spammed me la ehx? I've moved on. U think i cant live? Ur wrong man! I CAN & I WILL! HAHA :DD & whoever said that i dont look good with fazli, let me say this to u. Look into the mirror & say, are u so good looking with a gal/boi?? haha. STUPID STUPID! DUMB SHIT! DUMB PPL ARE ALWAYS DUMB MAN! HAHA OK TILL HERE! TATA!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
HAPPY 1 MONTH ANNIVERSARY BATMAN! HELLO [: Well, just want to wish my batman, HAPPY 1 MONTH ANNIVERSARY BATMAN KUSH! ILYSM <333 Just want to let u know that ilysm dear. U changed me. Well, my temper need to changed more la . hees :pp U know what, sorry to say this hun, but still, thinking abit about him. Idk why. But no matter what, i will always lup u more ;]] Ur the angel that guides me through the right path. Thanx alot dear. Im happy enough. & i cant wait to break fast with u at dawn [: hees. Well, imysm now. Idk why but i feel like want to bite u to the core beybey :p SERIUS SHIT LA LA! LALA POO WANT TO BITE BEYBEY POO CAN???? :DD okok. serius serius la! ILYSM BEYBEY<333 ok till here then. JANGAN LUPE PAKAI BAJU SMART2! HEHE :B ♥ catwoman meow;