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![]() Sweet 20 Attached I'm into fashion ♥ Jadore♥ ♥ Nizamdead ♥ Adeq Ah-een♥ ♥ Adie Nov 19 ♥ Diyanah KC ♥ Dellila ♥ Dyrawr ♥ Dee; kaysiao ♥ Elly Chan F21 ♥ Faz Maniac ♥ Fatwan Nov 19 ♥ Fanakechykk♥♥♥ ♥ Feycka Montello♥♥ ♥ Hani Beybey♥♥ ♥ Hidayah Helia ♥ Insan ♥ Idah Ryn ♥ Jocelyn F21 ♥ Leana♥♥ ♥ Liyana BA ♥ Mar ♥ Nadd ♥ Pikka ♥ Regina♥♥♥ ♥ Yantoi
March 2007
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Thursday, October 30, 2008
BOO-CHAK! Yea, had great & fun day today. Laugh alot with my dearest cucu, Leana :B Finish school at 12. Well, just finish my face test for waxing under arm & half leg. Was so nervous but so far, i did quite well la. I hope so -.- Hands so cold. burr : I WONDER WHY TODAY IN MLC, there use to be alot of ppl here but today abit. hmm. AHUH! CONPERM NYE! SEE SOCCER MATCH AYE?? :p I think la. haha. To beybey dearest, if ur reading this, if la kan, DONT BUY RED KINDA LOOK LIKE NARUTO EYES LENS TAU! TAK SENONO! IF U WEAR THAT, U JAGA! I WILL HUNT U. HMPH! LATER UR BEYBEY DI SINI MAJOK KANG? hurhur :pp imysm :'( & maybe i go to cucu iful jamming tau. I mish my bro & sis lup hor :DD & maybe im going to higlight my hair tau dear. Jangan marah kx? Muax. Cyg i kan, then tkmo marah ehx? hehe U lain, i lain. Beybey pooh! Remember, dont smoke too much. Dont try to waste ur $ on cigg. Keep it as ur bro sake. Pity him, had to give u $20 for a week. Try to budget on eating kx? If erry all kecohx about cigg, tell me kx? I will bite them. RAWR GARR! Kx la. Gtg now [: ilysm to the core beybey pooh fazzy batman *flap flap flap* muax muax. huggiesh~~ ♥ FazLina♥ ; FUCK THAT BITCH
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
BOO-CHAK! Now doing nothing. Playing computer with the rest of my beauty babes [: Atlast we had done our ROLEPLAY! Damn nervous la can?? :p Atleast there's gooooood comments from Ms Soh. hehe. Well, seems like some ppl out there hate me that much. Oh well, hack care. MOVING ON! ......... I had fun with dearest & bro's yesterday. 1st went to watch them jammed at clarke quay. Then proceed to penin & had our lunch. Hungry since we havent eat our breakfast. Bengap kan?? :DD Then we hang out at suntec. But dearest complained that he had migrained. Im damn worried. Haiz. He did fainted & i cried. Dearest, pls dont do this to me again ok? Dont make me worry ok?? :'( We smoked while talking about music. Joking around with my bro lup. Went to proceed to vivo & relax our mind there as u know, dearest need one too :]] DEAREST ILY! & to bro airul, dont be moody like yesterday. Not gooood u know. Reena is there too. Dont make that kinda face to her. Think about her feelings too ok? ILY BRO [: Then i went back home by 10pm. Quite tired la. hmm. Teros lepak kat katil. Takde bunyi nye. gaga. Ok thats all folks. PEACE YAW <3 ; FUCK THAT BITCH
Thursday, October 23, 2008
BOO-CHAK! YAY! Today finish school early! As usual. Thought want to see mirah & the others massaging client's but neh, i miss playing comp, so, i play la! hees. Thought of meeting dearest but instead, he cancel it. His tired. Nvms. Zyzy understands [: His house is so like far away than mine. So i knew how it feels when meeting gf & sending gf home & went back to outram. So yea ^^ No big deal anw nyoh. :]] After this went to TM with my dearest fwen :D Cant wait to meet the person. Thanx for making me happy hunneh. muax! && to that lahanat, pls stop staring at me during class aites? U hate me, i hate u. FAIR [: Im not finding any trouble but ur the one who started it BITCH. Like what my fwen says, ur sucha FAT GARFIELD, FAT HOOGA HOOGA, PEPEK BUSOK, ABUSER, LESBO & FLIRT. & pls, if u were to say im ugly & ur not, fine with me. Its the heart they wants, not just looks. Bare that in mind yaw BITCH. U too like seeing me hurt when i broke up with my ex. I knew it. So pls, ur sucha a BITCH who cares only for ur own feeling. Not others. Pls change. U may be hot, but others, ur hotless. U want to say ppl, look on ur ownself first. Dont make any gossips. WE HATE IT. OKOK? Now zyzy wants the best of my fwens. Hate to quarrel but this is too much. Zyzy had to do something. I may a hot temper, but i can be kewl sometimes. Pls ehx? Ok thats all for now. Cant wait for SHOPPPIIIIING! :DD ; FUCK THAT BITCH
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
BOO-CHAK! Hello bloggers. Zyzy here. Just posting my blog in school. Damn bored actually. sigh -.- SES teacher didnt turn for half and hour. damn irritating la can?? "-.- Waiting for my dearest to msg. The only msg i receive is from apiz & alif. I miss him. Alot alot. Wondering what his up to right now? Is he ok? Is he having a great day ahead today?? hmm :[ I miss his googly eyes. Miss his cheeks egg. Miss his touch & his kiss. Miss everything about him la senang kate. Cant seem to find him in school today. So sad la :[ What to do? My luck by not seeing him today. Didnt even reply my msg though. haiz :'( Beybey pooh, if your reading this, pls do msg me ok? U seem to forget about me soon. Im just concern about our relationship hun. Now talking still with nina. Laughing about our candid picx :pp Damn funny la. Memories.... gurree :p Soon meeting alif. Want to talk about soemthing important. But idk what. hmm. He sound so serious though. Nvms la. FINISH SCHOOL AT 6. SIAN LEI!! ;( ; FUCK THAT BITCH
Sunday, October 19, 2008
HELLO [: Now im in my cuz study room. Her name was elize. So kiyoooot la she. hehe Now playing comp in her room. & am having some family dinner to night. Its fun though. && i mish my fwens in school alot. haiz. && especially my dearest fazzy. hees. I just want to tell my bro's & sis out there that i had fun yesterday. & thanx to erry, iful , fad, dearest & airul for taking care of me yesterday when i was sick aye?? :]] huggiesh! && i hate ziq ! I HATE U! LASTLY I WANTED TO SAY, I NEVER EVER BEEN IN LOVE WITH U. ONLY FAZLI! [FazLina]
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Hello [: ZYZY AKA JIJI IS HERE :DD hey hey, im here to tell u that i hate my life so much la. :D People kept hurting me, abusing me, think im like a doll, wtf. Well, i knew i dont deserve anyone else. Yea, im a hot temper gal, so?? That doesnt mean u can blame it all to me what fuck??! U think i like u so much isit? haha! Let me tell u this, i hate u alot! ALOT ALOT && ALOT! && for ur info, i never ever like u. Dont act rubbish here can? I admit i did so many wrong things but that doesnt mean u can take advantage of me right?? haiz. What kinda human being are u?? U think u so perfect? Not all are perfect u fucker! && nina & leana is laughing at me now. sheesh! :DD so bad kan dorang?? && they laugh non stop while nina snored snored. hurhur :pp ok thats all. bye!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Hari Raya Photos :]
Monday, October 13, 2008
Please don't go bro, FADLI :'(
![]() There's this person, who ever disturb me damn bad but however a true friend, whom i call my bro lup. He can be irritating sometimes but his my true and lovable bro that i treasure the most. He once said to us, he can't be with us forever, yet his really going. But i believe he can change the situation in the meta of time. I really need him, so did the rest of our bro's n sis. I cried, kept thinking about this meta. His like an angel who guide us through every thick and thins. W/O him, who will guide us along? Only him. I really don't want him to go. Seriously i need him to in my life. His like my real bro, i felt so weak when the time we both cried about this meta. I can't take it till i felt like fainting. Bro, you have to promise me, you won't go. You won't leave me and the others. please. We need you :'( we lup you damn much. Eventhough the rest zil, airul r iful to guide us, but still its different bro. Do you wanna see me cry and hurt?please, i'm begging you, don't go.please stay. Promise me. ILY BRO, FADLI
Thursday, October 9, 2008
![]() HELLO [: Today, i mean now, in my dearest house. Hommie! HEES. Later, went to eat & meet fadli & airul. WOOOEEE! Cant wait la. Anw, since long time i didnt update my blog, here it goes. So far so goood about my life. Im cheerful, crazey as ever, happy happy, & serious zyzy always. :DD About raya, cant wait to go out with yaya & kamelia tomorrow. WOOEE! COLLECTION YAW. & am happy that dearest came along toosh [: Now doing nothing just replying comments at friendster, not so bored. Dearest sleeping. zzzzz. -.- I mish my fwens in school yaw. Hope to meet them soon [: Well, thats all man. && dearest, soon we'll be out to lunch otey? TAHAN LA! hurhur XD |