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![]() Sweet 20 Attached I'm into fashion ♥ Jadore♥ ♥ Nizamdead ♥ Adeq Ah-een♥ ♥ Adie Nov 19 ♥ Diyanah KC ♥ Dellila ♥ Dyrawr ♥ Dee; kaysiao ♥ Elly Chan F21 ♥ Faz Maniac ♥ Fatwan Nov 19 ♥ Fanakechykk♥♥♥ ♥ Feycka Montello♥♥ ♥ Hani Beybey♥♥ ♥ Hidayah Helia ♥ Insan ♥ Idah Ryn ♥ Jocelyn F21 ♥ Leana♥♥ ♥ Liyana BA ♥ Mar ♥ Nadd ♥ Pikka ♥ Regina♥♥♥ ♥ Yantoi
March 2007
April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 May 2011
Monday, December 29, 2008
BOO-CHAK !! 8 days of working. Great but not so la. Theres some worst part toosh. : Damn exhausted. Never felt this way before but have to endure it though. hehe. && tomorrow my dearest will be coming back home. Am so happy & cant wait for his call. ily beybey [: Tomorrow had to be at my work place by 10.30am. "-.- && alot of people asking me where is my work place right? GAGA XD I know the place is complicated but it was located near circuit road, around beach road & arab street. Textile centre. Find out aites? hurhur :P Ok la. Just wanted to say that, zyzy mish my gf's alot alot. & they are, U KNOW I KNOW. haha XD I mish my bro's & sis lup, dearest especially, lecturers in school. WAH. Wanted to finish this attachment a.s.a.p lei. hmph! Till here yaw. Zyzy want to eat then go to SLEEEEEEP ! :DD PAPAI! ur the music in me ;
Thursday, December 25, 2008
BOO-CHAK !! Hey lovers. WOW! SOMEONE SPAM ME AT TAGGED! KEWWWWL. HAHA! Well, what to say. Nothing to do, spam lor. Jugde me a bustard girl aye? Ohoh :D && I LOVE MY BOIFIE DAMN MUCH! Btw kan, gile2 tu jantan? Jantan mane? haha! Tak letak name? Ohoh, SCARDY CAT! HAHA XDD Well, berani tagged kan, berani letak name ler. Tak payah takot2 la ehx? HAVE THE GUTS MAN! Kecot peh kalau aku dapat tau? Well, im not going to do anything or eat u alive what. lolx. && i dont fall for any guys. WTH MAN! OOOOOH, UR TALKING BADDDD ABOUT ME!! WAH WAH! :DD KEWWWL OR WHAT AYE? ^^ I love my life with my bf now. So? Want to break us up? Try lor. haha! LALALALA. end. jeng jeng, ur like WHATEVER :D ;
Sunday, December 21, 2008
BOO-CHAK!! YAY! Today met up with dearest. Was so damn happy when i heard that dearest dad let him go out with me, for the last day, ofcos. hees. Met him at 3+pm. Proceed to simei, chill, smoke & playing need for speed together. haha ! I MENANG! U PON MENANG! && cey, dearest da pandai control the car ready shey. teehee :p Then proceed to downtown east, for our lunch at kfc. YUMMY! Then, went to pasir ris park, sat by the rock & took a cool & windy wind. So ramantic, aww [: We joke around, tickle him here & there, taking picx as a solarize effects, laugh at ourselves. Had sucha fun & lovable time aye? Will miss it [: Then we decided to walk back to chill under the void deck but before that, i disturb dearest damn to the core till he get scared of me, laughing away like one of a hell kid. haha! Sorry beybey ^^ Dont badi badi dengan i otey? I wont tickle ur precious armpit. :DD After that, we talked, staring into each others eyes. That part, felt like crying, cos we know, today is our last day. As we will go seperate ways soon. Busy with his stuff & mine toosh. Hope there's a day off, & i wana meet with our bro's & sis lup otey dear? MUAX! <333 We make a reunion like those old times we spent our time together. :]] & dearest, this is for u beybey. TO MY PRECIOUS BATMAN THAT I LOVE : I know it hasnt been long since i last saw u my dear, but to me it feels as long as five hundred year. I miss u to the point i am loosing all sanity, there has to be an end to all this calamity. I think of u every second & every breath, for you i would stare even into the face of death. To kiss ur lips is to taste the sweetness of love, & it brings forth feelings from the heavens above. To look into ur eyes is to gaze into the sky, so beautiful with the stars & the heavens inside. To see ur smile is to see the divine, this poem is for u, sweet love of mine. :DD hehe, dont laugh if my english aint that gooood aye? missing u much loves ; BOO-CHAK !! Guys, zyzy will be inactive by tomorrow onwards. Start my attachment ready. Going to miss u guys. No matter how far u guys are from me, zyzy will always remember u guys aites? :] & am happy that i start this attachment. Atlast had something to do. Bare for 3months, but its worth it yaw. hees. I LOVE U GUYS SO MUCH! To all my adeq angkat, dont miss me aites? Cos im only away for 3months. After that, can meet up with u guys! WOOEE! :DD & TO all my bro's & sis lup, pls tc of urself. Zyzy will always remember the day we had rough times together, fun times together, play catching together, it will always sealed in my very own heart [: Thanx for making me part of the family tree. muax muax muax! hehe. Well, last day today. No worries. No feelings of sadnees though. Chill aites. :DD This is part of our life. Study hard, work hard too. Had to sacrifice everything. Now i knew how to control this feeling. I will never fall. :]] Till here then, gooodbye. BOOYEA! wish i get to be the permanent job there ;
Friday, December 19, 2008
BOO-CHAK!! To a guy, whom i hate the most. Aye dude, listen here. Yea u! I dun wana write ur name here just so u know that it will be so embarrasing to u aye? AITES! Listen here fucker! U dare to hurt my fwen feelings aye? She's a gal, so?? Take advantage of her? I dun think so when im still around! U know what?! She deserve better than that. Ur sucha ASSHOLE ! No balls arent u?! Pls make up ur freaking mind man! Beat her up? Kick her ass? WTF! Brutal u are! WELL FUCK CARE, U BETTER GO TO HELL! & i dun wana hear any complaints from her about u dude! U think ur so great as u had a charming looks? Yulk! My boifie are better than u! So did the others guys aites? Im sooooo freakin pisst! Ur here to hurt & crush a gal heart? & u know what? U dun deserve any gal to tc of u sial! U just a playboi freak anw! Ur 20, so? Who wants to respect u if u dun respect us GIGOLO?! Go to geylang lorong there & play with all the prostitutes OR gays u want aites? NOT satisfied? Go & play with those bangla's man! I think their suit for ur life partner anw. Smelly! like u! U STINKS! Ur a whore, fucking asshole shit ! I HOPE ONE DAY I'LL MEET U & JUST WATCHOUT UR FUCKING BIG NASTY MOUTH OF URS, TALKING NASTY ABT US. CIBAI! i hope u die foolish mortal ;
Thursday, December 18, 2008
BOO-CHAK !! YAY ME! Just been discharged from hospital mount elizabeth, -.-. Having a rough time in there. Conditions went up & down, im worried myself :p But thanx to ALLAH, allah give me a chance to live. Forgive all my sins [: Syukur Alhamdulillah . But still, feel a little bit dizzy & tired. haha. & i cant wait for tomorrow as my dearest is coming back to singapore tomorrow. YAY :DD Miss him loads la can? Cant wait to meet up with him this sat & sun :]] & to all my fwens who is taking their results today, zyzy is so damn glad that u guys make it. I cant express my feelings that much but i know i was so proud of u guys [: *cry for joy* hees. Keep it up aites? Choose ur course wisely & dont ever make any mistakes. Study smart aites? If can, aim to poly. hehe :') Otey, till here. Zyzy want to rest now. ur a darleng [: ;
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
FROM ZYZY TO ALL WHOM SHE LOVES : I love you so very much, Even though at times i do things that hurt, i try so hard to hope that you always see, how much you being in my life and what you mean to me. i am sorry yet again for causing you pain, that is the last thing i ever wanted to do. Even when i am trying to look out for you and do the right thing i mess up. I am sorry for that to. I hope that you still know how much i love and cherish you. Like nothing else in my life gives me the trill of being loved by you. So i hope that you listen and see it in my eyes, this sincere apology that comes with tears from deep inside. U will never really know how much you meant to me. My heart will be with you until the end. just wait and see i feel far from what would seem close. And close to what would seem far . When I die i dont want you to cry. Just keep ur head up high and ur dreams to the sky . to all my lovers & families & dearest boifie; ilysm :'(
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
BOO-CHAK!! Dear, u promise me yesterday u will come back from hols. But no sign of u. Damn worried what might be happening to u there. Or maybe there's a slight delay for the ferry? Just want u to know that i misses u so damn loads. :'( Cant sleep & always dream about u. U know that? Thus, had my attachment interview test. If i got selected, i will be starting my interview this coming monday & start from that day, i cant meet up with u & the others anymore. No day off beybey :'( I hope u'll come home safely soon. Need to spent more time with u before my attachment starts. :'( ilysm beybey. Dont ever leave me otey? Muax muax muax! Hugs hugs. I think alot of negatives things, idk why. Im too worried cos like what u said, u'll come back yesterday but i guess ur not. Ur hp is totally no connection. Guess u havent come back. Pls dear, come back soon :'( I need u badly. Im getting sick now. Haiz. Loving u that much :'( pls come back soon ;
Monday, December 15, 2008
BOO-CHAK!! -.- Interview the 3rd time today at NOURI spa. Did alot of test just now. Liyana & me just did basic manicure for the real client. Nervous at 1st & was suuuper blur. But then, its ok la. My painting sux. CHISS! Then leana did the facial test till 6. She did get selected & it was thanx god. Only left me & liyana. Mine was on thur & liyana's was on fri. Pray hard aites? :DD Went to bugis after that to had our lunch at KFC! YUMMY! Eat eat eat, till im full, like duh people ;]] Went back to tampines & accompany leana to buy her lens. WOOEE! :DD Then went back home & reached at 9pm. Walaowei,damn tired shey -.- Aching everywhere. Thus the weather was damn cooling, brr :s Otey otey till here, hope for the best! : hope i get it la ;
Sunday, December 14, 2008
FAZZYBATMAN . The smile on ur face turns my day around. My heart start to race when i see u in town. But when i see u frown, my heart stops beating for a while. & my mind starts to think, "How can i see a smile" I care for u so much, that i want to be there for u, cos i cant bare to see u blue. It only takes three words to show how much u mean to me. & those words are, "ILOVEYOU". beybey work it ;
Saturday, December 13, 2008
at least a hundred times for a hundred different reasons. Sometimes i fall in love with you when i watch you doing something you enjoy, something ur so involved in that ur unaware of my presence. Sometimes i fall in love with you when i listen to you talk to other people. Whether ur being interesting and funny or warm and caring and genuinely concerned, you have a way of making people feel better with nothing more than words. Sometimes i fall in love with you just thinking about you, remembering all the memories we've made. falling in love for the first time, staying in love during the rough times, Finding more to love about each other every day. & whenever i think about the wonderful things that lie ahead of us, i fall totally and completely in love with you all over again. ilysm dearest :] you're my everything; pray for fazzy ;
Friday, December 12, 2008
BOO-CHAK!! Well, today is the most enjoyable day & some part is the saddest part. hmm. Have fun with my bro's & sis lup, went to east coast & have some fun, playing soccer, seeing dearest & bro's went for a swim in the sea. so kiyoooot. Taking picx & stuff, jokes & laughter. :]] Times went past so fast, hang around bedok after that till 9pm. Hugging dearest so tight cos today is the last day spending time with dearest. His going for overseas tomorrow & i was so damn sad. What to do, i miss him [: Dearest, if ur reading this, just want to say i will be missing u every min & every each day, will be thinking of u :'( Pls do tc of urself there & dont ever forget about us. I lup u so much dear :'( haiz. Wish had more time with u just now. && do bring back some things for lala pooh otey? :D
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
BOO-CHAK!! Damn pissed! Damn irritated! Damn damn damn! Feeling like throwing all my stuff to that ASSHOLE & say *FUCK U BITCH* Saying us childish aye? Well guess what, this industry is not about childish or whatever. Its about hand do. Fucking asshole! & btw, we just laughed at a normal tone & we did behaved ourselves after the interview aites? Cos of u, the 3 of us need to find other spa's to work to. What a bother. -.- U make us waited for weeks for ur calls. SLUT! Luckily our lecturer pass by ur spa. Dont have the guts to inform us aye? Now about changi, idk what to say. Maybe being rejected 2 times for now. ARGH! Damn stress la can? No mood to smile sia! ;( Hope we find our place for attachment soon, if not, seriously, i want to quit. :[ fck attachment ; DEAREST FWENS OF BEAUTY THERAPY, TOMORROW WILL BE TAKING BOOKS OUT OF THE LOCKER FOR NEXT YEAR BATCH AITES? THANX. SEE U GUYS TOMORROW [:
Monday, December 8, 2008
BOO-CHAK!! SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILADHA EVERYONE! :DD Today is a special day but too bad cant watch those goats being slaughtered. hmph! Today in the afternoon, went to my grandma house & had lunch with my cousins & relatives. It was so much fun yaw! ^^ Laughters, jokes everywhere,disturbing one another && sending songs. GAHH! :p Watch tv together, oh my, damn SYIOK SYIOK. hurhur. Stayed there till 5.30pm, went off to home. Tiring but fun :B Now listening to songs, otp with my fwen, nabil [: Otey otey, gtg now. I mish the fun just now yaw yaw! :]] nabil belo ;