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Hello, i'm Zyzy Ryu Kyon Minho :3
Sweet 20
I'm into fashion ♥

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Hey mortals :]
Well, i had enough rotting much at home for 6 days ??
Yea, incredible, just cant believe it .
First time in my life .
Hey thats kinda hard to believe oh well,
first time in my teens life .
haha, easy said .
So, asked my dad for permission to go out tomorrow
& yea, he let me but must be home
fast .
duhh, controller .
So yay !
Im going out tomorrow .
Hope i dont get moody fast
as i had a girls thang .

musshy boo ;

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

=3 My new found lovable fwens [:

=3 Yat
=3 Eeqah
=3 Jiv
=3 Zaza
=3 Faiz
=3 Aidil tim tim
=3 Shaz
=3 Hailly
=3 Ira
=3 Puteri Bintang
=3 Naughty Bubble

Thanx for being always there for me .
I appreciate it loads .
U guys are my lovable fwens
that i cant afford to lose .
Hope u guys wont dump me like the others do.
i love u guys so much :]]
Hope to meet up with u guys soon .
meoooow =3

my life would suck w/o u ;

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Haiz .
Shocking news .
I cant believe u lied to him .
How dare u .
Is this what u called u loved me much ??
U make up stories about me to him .
Whats ur motive ?
Making him jealous or let him know that
u knew me first than him ?
sheesh -.-
Bullshit .
Come on .
Respect me man .
Dont anyhow say pls ??!!
Ur making me angry .
Luckily he told me yesterday .
Sad to be ur godsis, really really sad .
Enough la, enough probs coming to me la .
Enough being selfish can ?

what a day;

Monday, April 27, 2009

Quite thinking back about what he had said to me ?
His a fwen of mine .
Well, aidil, dont think negative of urself .
I know u dont want to lose a close fwen like me .
Well, your attached, and u had to be truthfull
with her .
If she insist u not to be fwen with me anymore, i cant
do anything .
I will be sad toosh .
We had the same feelings .
I knew it much .
& i hate it much when u said
what if your gone ??
Ofcos me & the rest of your fwens
are really sad right ?
We dont want u to leave us .
So, live to the fullest .
Try to be happy with ur love ones aites ?
Zyzy will always be with u if
u need someone to talk to aites ?
Fwens for life right ?
So do it for me & the rest of your fwens tau .
Dont think too much aidil .
Hope u read this my fwen [:
&& dont ever worry about me .
Its in me ready, we cant do anything .
Just pray the best for me jek .
Im sure i will be fine .
I will tc of myself .
Nothing will happen to me, i promise u
Concentrate on ur studies .
Im glad to have a fwen like u .
Seriously, i am .
Alhamdulillah ^^
Till here then .
Hope to see u soon .
If can la . haha !

starting a new life;

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Ku genggam awan kelabu
Ku gapai langit yang biru
Arah kita kian bersatu
Tinggalkan lagu rindumu
Langkah kita makin hampir
Kutahu kau menungguku
Dihujung titik menantilah aku
Alam mimpi.

Bulan bintang sang suria
Bagai saksi janji kita
Meniti hari-hari
Yang indah ini...

Gunung akan kudaki
Lautan kan aku renangi
Demi memburu mimpi
Yang pasti
Pintu kini telah terbuka
Kita pun langkah bersama
Fantasi mimpi berakhir
Cinta pun berpadu
Hari-hari yang berlalu
Menjelma bukanlah mimpi lagi
Umpama sungai dan tebing
Seiring, sehati dan sejiwa

[ To someone i love so much :D ]

yes, you're the one ;

sad ;

Thursday, April 23, 2009

This days, i dont feel pleasant and worried.
problems kept coming to me anf why ?
idk why but have to accept tyhe fact that this is my fate and have
to change it to good.
but idk how. many things
had happened to me.stressed. smile
on me nowadays.but wth.
its life.being slapped and beaten by my dad.
pfft "-.-
what a life.cried all day.
the only people i need
now are my baby boi, bro's & sis lup, fwens,
mom,cousins and godsis and godbros.
they are my life can i
get RID of this thing ??
i hate my life now seriously :[

To my dearest, just want to
wish u happy 18th birthday in advance !
Tomorrow is ur big day aye ?
Get ready for tomorrow aites ?
hehe .
ceyceycey, die da 18 la kann .
da legal ehx ?
hehe .
ilysm daddy pooh♥

in the end it was u ;

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Im here to wish my beybey pooh, HAPPY 8 MONTH
Im glad that ur home fast dear :]]
Was shocked at 1st but in me, im glad that ur safely here :]]
Always remember, u will always be my charming night
whom saved me from worst nightmares .
Ur my batman forever beybey :]]
Im glad that we've made this far .
& i hope nothing will come between us .
I trust u alot, so i hope u trust me toosh aites ?
iloveusomuch <3333

zyzy kiddy ♥ fazzy kiddy ;