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Hello, i'm Zyzy Ryu Kyon Minho :3
Sweet 20
I'm into fashion ♥

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Work was quite ok today .
ahuh !
But quite dissapointed cos getting our payment late .
They drag our payment "-.-
But nvms, all the way at men's fitting room with ais .
& wth ?!
haha .
ais mcm siak !
serius , i was asking this one cutomer,
how was the shirt that she already tried, then the customer say yea yea &
at the same time ais say this in sacarstic way,"ok thank you hope to see u again!"
i was like omfg !
the customer was like,"err err,sheesh"
haha !
siak siak !
kecohs sia !
both of us were like laughing sia .
serving the customer also no mood, still can
laugh in front of them, MAIN GILE !
Well, hoping tomorrow will get ma cheque.
with salina .
woohoo !
&& im kinda enjoying my life w/o anyone making trouble in
my life, making me sad nor BORED.
goooooood kan ?
like what ive said, fucking care about my life, had enough really,
ppl just dun understand me.
they will be thinking im making attitude cos just for fun,
alot of problems in my head, about families, relationship[ idk what to say ],
work place, that BITCH ,many more la.


Monday, June 29, 2009

Phew "-.-
Dragging day i persume.
From last thursday till tomorrow im working .
hmph,not fair!
Tired sia, but what to do, tomorrow will be
receiving ma payment !
woohoo !
alot of things happened today .
Well, get irritated by this BITCH at ma work, staring at me since im in
uniqlo, siao !
Well, looked at her back, PADAN MUKE !
2nd, saw one of this anugerah guy, name cirul i think .
haha !
He smiled at me & yea, ofcos i smiled at him back la.
We ever chatted before last 2 years,
was a long time ago.
hees :p
&& guess what, i got to know that he asked for my number
but too bad, i reject it.
Then, alif [ asek asek si dekni ], asked for cigg .
Then clock out at 6.30pm.
Went smoking with rikie & mimi .
Then gooooo home, itu cerita nya :D
tataaaaaaaa .

i dun give a damn about my life;

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Now what if i never kiss your lips again
or feel the touch of your sweet embrace.
How would i ever go on?
Without you theres no place to belong
Well someday love is going to lead you back to me
but till it dose i'll have an empty heart
So i'll just have to believe
somewhere out there you're thinking of me
Until the day i let you go,
Until we say our next hello
It's not goodbye.
Til i see you again
I'll be right here remembering when
And if time is on our side
there will be no tears to cry on down the road
there is one thing i can't deny
It's not goodbye
You'd think i'd be strong enough to make it trough
and rise above when the rain falls down
But its so hard to be strong
when you've been missing somebody so long
It's just a matter of time i'm sure
but time takes time and i can't hold on
so wont you try as hard as you can
to put my broken heart together again?
it's not goodbye baby dearest [:

no more tears to cry;

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Im so sorry .
Sorry for what had happened yesterday .
I shouldnt have trust the girl whom called me yesterday .
hmm .
Im too stressed up with my life,
stressed with everything .
I wont run & hide, furthermore, im still
your catwoman right ?
I cant think any furthur .
Idk why dear .
I will love u like i always do,
dont worry .
I will always be with u dear, dont be scared [:
We manage things well enough so far ^^
&& yea, cant deny its not goodbye yet [:
Thanx for the msg at friendster bby ^^
Touched my heart truely.
Just want to ask forgiveness from u.
&& i will always love u, my lovable batman [:
Cant wait to meet u tomorrow =3
Hug me oteeeeeey ?

jijisan[LOVE]ajisan ;

Friday, June 19, 2009

Well, today working from 8am-5.30pm.
Its damn tired, i know .
haha XD
Then went to meet my sister lup, fana kechykk .
Then we went to eat at eatzi gormet, at ma dearest workplace .
Saw him & his like a TOTAL , blushed !
Well, i went there cos i knew he really wanted to see ma face, there i go [:
I knew he missed me so much as yesterday cant meet him cos im working till 11pm.
I knew it well, & just now
something bad happened to me :'(
I cant say it here .
Only ma cucu, leana knows it .
Sori guys .
Its personal .


living to love you;

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


My shining star :D

boochak !! ;

Sunday, June 14, 2009

needed always ;

:D ;