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Hello, i'm Zyzy Ryu Kyon Minho :3
Sweet 20
I'm into fashion ♥

Friday, July 31, 2009

Haluuuu ^^
Its been long since i blogged .
This is what happen when im too busy with work .
haha, okok.
Well, at work, quite challenging & stressing eventhough the shop is not officially open yet .
Doing replenishing, cleaning & all have to be perfect before the media's come
this coming wednesday [:
*breathe in & out*
Still have haters at work .
Esp me.
Someone hate me, idk why, whats the reason, as far as i know,
i didnt do anything wrong.
All of my collegues are ok with me, but only one BITCH not satisfied with me.
Im not falling if u hate me .
Well, i knew that yodasan have been saying good things about
my work standard & u wana jealous about it ?
Up to u BITCH .
If u think ur better than me, well, just do it infront of yodasan & prove to him lor.
Ur 19, still act like a childish moron .
Say it to my face if ur not satisfied with me.
Im not going to approach u, no time, cos i have no grudge
with u.
haha, am not stupid, the whole lot of them, HATES u BITCH .
Dont try to make sacarstic faces when asked to fold shirts
till perfect with hands, i know ur perfect in that so dont
Want to attract attention at work, go ahead, not my problem .
U cant make me fall, im ok with it, i feel nothing .
Sorry cant say ur name just the simplest name to call u is BITCH [:
Im happy though .
Still have fwens to support me .
By doing that, u ought to think that all of them hates me but the opposite way
miss bitchy ^^
They hates u not me sucker moron .
If ur sick, just be sick, dont laze around coming down to ion with ur
high heels, black dress.
Like duuuuhhh they will suspect ur ACTING sick .
Ko bikin taik tempat shelf ku,
nakk kene kann aku,
tkp, bile2 hari ko punye,nanti hari aku dtg, ko kene rabak la sial !
&& anw, wondering why ur not promoted to be the supervisor in training, && OH YEA !
with ur crappy attitude, no one wants to
promote u, with ur ugly standard .
Cmon, ur the senior staff, act well, teach well, but end up, ur gone dead.
Goood in saying my fwens standard is wrong, but end up, urs wrong too .
FUCK la sia .
Dont act big bimbo !
Ur too way confident .
aye aye, esp all gals in uniqlo hates u ^^
Well, lucky u :DD

ur just a big bimbo bitch whom like to talk big, sucks in thinking ;

Sunday, July 26, 2009

♥ Im missing u :[

addicted to donuts;

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Two days of working at Uniqlo ion orchard .
Been transfered there .
Not working at tampines 1 uniqlo anymore :'(
Have to wake u early & transport fair, ohmygay dammit !
Yesterday & today fixing fixtures, i was like wow .
Till ma fwens said that i look more thinner now .
haha .
Body mass is changing man !
woohoo, mascular peh ?
Tired sia .
Sad sia .
Hate far far sia .
hmph !
Till sat doing fixtures & replenishing.
Our shop havent open yet, setting up beybey !
Atlast tomorrow finish at 6.30pm.
phew "=.=
Including today, 4 days ive been working plus another 3 days to work .
so its been 1 week altogether, no day off -.-
payau peh ?!
tkp, payday lai lai !
haha .
ok, gue mau sleep arx !
tata !

aku nakk donut ! ;

Monday, July 20, 2009

♥ My UNIQLO bestest mates♥

Monday, July 13, 2009

huhu ^^
Im having a crush btw .
lovelovelove ish in the air people !
his cute, shortey, chubby, fair, fine skin tone,
big gorgeous eyes, sexy lips, aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh !
haha .
My new crush baby, Kuraizan Zyirfan .
Im his god mummeh yaw!
woohoo !
Cant wait to carry him in my arms [:
&& btw, i did get transfered to work at ION uniqlo, get ready for the big time !

hush baby, dun cry syg ;

Sunday, July 12, 2009

To someone whom i love so much.

Nothing i must do
Nowhere i should be
No one in my life
To answer to but me
No more candlelight
No more purple skies
No one to be near
As my heart slowly dies
If i could hold you one more time like in the days when you were mine
I look at you till i was blind
So you would stay
I say a prayer each time you smile
Cradle the moments like a child
I stop the world if only i
Could hold you one more time
I've memorized your face
I know your touch by heart
Still lost in your embrace
I dream of where you are .
*thinking of him & nothing else*

miss the memories;

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Well, lets talked about yesterday incident aye ?
OK ok, where should i start .
Oh ah2 !
Yesterday met salina around 4+pm at orchard mrt.
Then we proceed to fareast to have our lunch at KFC.
Then we proceed to SHOPPPPPING !
Accompany her to buy her shoe & it takes like 30 min to just choose what type of
shoe that suits for her.
Then mcm faham nanak shopping lagik then went pass by this shop, i saw this GORGEOUS
zebra pattern dress !
i was like, argggggh !
nak ker nanak, nak ker nanak , end up i bought it .
haha, quite cheap yaw !
Then we bought accesories like 2 bangles & orchid hair clip, same with salina.
yeehak !
Then went to meet mimi & hasli at fareast toosh .
Now its our turn to accompany mimi to shop, at VOLCOM, takk boleeh angkat
peh babe .haha !
Hasli went out from that shop 1st, haha, siak!
Then we proceed to small mac to have some desserts .
Then its time to CAMWHORE PEOPLE !!
alot of picx yesterday, upload it soon^^
Then mimi & i were like so urgent to go to the toilet.
& the girls toilet was like
out of bounce -.-
Then mimi just open the handicap door & i was like
I was like standing there, cant reli move, stare & looked at him till the door closed, PAAAAP !
Then back to normal.
haha !
Mimi was like closing her mouth, just cant believe that just had happend &
we were like laughing non stop .
Hasli can say, "sumpah sumpah, aku tak nampak"
Tipu sia !
haha, bodok sak takk lock pintu tol2, chiss, & the butt was like, ok la, round sexy jugek la .
ish siak !
Zyzy ! are u ok?!
haha, laughed till bedok then mimi went off, left me & hasli to tampines, then ape lagik,
belaaaaah arx !
baleeeeek baleeeeeeek !
haha, it was a fun time yaw !
no regrets !
looking forward to have an outing again with them [:

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

To my head manager, yoda-san,


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Yesterday, supposely went back from work at 6.30pm.
I get a half day job cos of yesterday anniversary .
Went to city hall & meet dearest .
Have our lunch at penin and start shopping !
Bought him boot cut pants for two .
His kinda "PAISE" .
i know i know :p
Thent proceed to marina square
to have our window shopping time [:
Alot of varieties too .
&& packed with RED SHIRTS people, waiting to
enter the NDP preview gate .
phew -.-
damn ALOT !
Then dearest and me went to sat at marina koufu,
chit chatting, laughing gas started, and
we kissed.
Idk how but, i got the feeling, his my life partner.
I dont want to say a thing but its true [:
Around 7.30pm, proceed to bugis to shop .
I bought two new dress & dearest bought a
designated cap, a shirt & winner cigg :p
Went sitting behind bugis juntion till 10.45pm .
Talked about our past time together, the day how we knew each
other, its damn interesting till i nearly cry .
Its just so sweet.
Iloveyoudaddypooh [:
alot alot alot <3333
tc ; meooooow =3
