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Hello, i'm Zyzy Ryu Kyon Minho :3
Sweet 20
I'm into fashion ♥

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

i am missing u LOVE .
come back soon dear :]
want to have a date with u once more :]
Qeeny Hunsten Kiddy is missing her daddy ^^

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

im effing angry right now !
jobless !
buto sama dia !
said wanted to call but end up, NONE !
waited for days .
am broke. life sux !
waste my ezlink money to travel to redhill just to apply .
& gave me such FALSE hope aye ?
damnnnnnnnnn great la can !
any retail job out there ?! tag me "-.-
& oh LAME SHITS people are SUCCCCCCCK !
stop being lame la sial !
irritating sia .
please for god sake !
it bothers me much cos i am in the scene of people being lame at
me now bodoh !
& to all those cunts & retards out there !
stop thinking that u owned that fucking place !
gangsta peh !
sialaaaaaaan !
its for everybody kanina !
&& to that job which i went to, FUCK U !
let me waited for days, false hope were given, blablabla.
mood lost la babi !
dont disturb me la sia !
& dont ask me whether im single or attach !

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Went out with my fwens to Lyssa's Requeim gig yesterday .
It was awesome yaw^^
& its raining around 4+pm .
haha .
Had a lot of fun yesterday .
Im sick still.
Well to people who LOVE to label other people, u dont deserve
a fucking mouth to talk or hands/fingers to type with.
losers !
& pity to this spammer named nazri, aww, such a pity .
no life just to spam my tag & waste his time to spam me .
thanx you [:
well, am not emo u dickhead ^^

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

i just wanted to say that i love you so much .
will never let u slip away again .
i dont want to loose u this time baby boy .
in me, in my heart, in my soul, there's only u .
i swear, im with u whenever u need me .
dont worry baby, you'll have me [:
take care of yourself, be happy, enjoy your holidays .
im proud to be with u.
from the bottom of my heart, i effing love you loads baby boy :]
muuuuuuuuuuuax ♥

Monday, December 21, 2009

FUCK to my miserable life .
its happening again .
felt like im an orphan child .
pfft .

Sunday, December 20, 2009

(╥_╥) sometimes do u ever felt

like ur not loved by someone


ur not worth caring about ?

its depressing .

how i wish i could be free

from all this nightmares .

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Yesterday's gig was ok overall , alot of new bands .
so we'd gave them some support too yea ?
Adeq azneil performed well, im proud of him .
& to priya[ adeq azneil's gf ], ziela, farah, tini, congratulation to all
cos u guys made it to sec 5 & ite .
have a great journey to your respective new schools [:
im glad they passed, not like my batch, hahahahaha !
pemalas nak mampos !
okok, back to gig at blackhole .
after 2 bands had performed, i went & sat outside with intan & andy .
then the rest came to join us, taking pictures .
went to macdonalds & make a hell out of noise
there .
playing balloons "-.-
walked to bugis .
wah, u guys really make me exercise sia o.o
the most kecohrable was me, alyy, intan & enaa .
talked like a white chicks .
gahh, alyy started it !
intan was super hyper .
then i start to laugh & hyper, enaa just laughed but still
make me poke my own stomach, the way enaa laugh so cute !
then adeq came, complaining why i never talk to him .
aww, sorry adeq .
im sick so who entertain me, i'll entertain them back.
then went to kfc & eat, *im the one who planned but im the ONLY
one who bought the food "-.-*
while eating, joe kept looking at my cheesefries, alyy too.
intan & enaa aiming for my drinks.
huhu, well, they are hungry a little ofcos :]
we disturbed joe by his puppy face .
hahaha !
alyy's the one again who started it, haha.
then my head start to feel the pain .
i cant really stand & i felt like i want to lay back .
adeq azneil took my head & massage, priya
& ammarah massage my hand cos they said its cold .
joe tap my shoulder softly, & enaa starts to cry .
well, i saw it, i cried too, intan too .
ily guys .
thanx alot .
& oh, for all FTW'S , have fun today ok?
sorry i cant come :]
u know the reasons why. meet up soon♥