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![]() Sweet 20 Attached I'm into fashion ♥ Jadore♥ ♥ Nizamdead ♥ Adeq Ah-een♥ ♥ Adie Nov 19 ♥ Diyanah KC ♥ Dellila ♥ Dyrawr ♥ Dee; kaysiao ♥ Elly Chan F21 ♥ Faz Maniac ♥ Fatwan Nov 19 ♥ Fanakechykk♥♥♥ ♥ Feycka Montello♥♥ ♥ Hani Beybey♥♥ ♥ Hidayah Helia ♥ Insan ♥ Idah Ryn ♥ Jocelyn F21 ♥ Leana♥♥ ♥ Liyana BA ♥ Mar ♥ Nadd ♥ Pikka ♥ Regina♥♥♥ ♥ Yantoi
March 2007
April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 May 2011
Saturday, May 29, 2010
A goodnight chat with beybey boi ♥
AMMXR says: honey! i dah mandi =) CATWOMANvampirates says: i ponn baru abes hehe AMMXR says: wangi laaa dierrrrr CATWOMANvampirates says: da bby, go to sleep now aye nakmo main game hehe ofcos AMMXR says: i tak main game la syg perot tgah sakit2 ni takkan nk main game CATWOMANvampirates says: ur bacen mah XD AMMXR says: haha CATWOMANvampirates says: haha mane tawuk *winx* AMMXR says: hehe ok sayang, goodnight dearest!! CATWOMANvampirates says: nytes dardar<3 AMMXR says: im gonna miss you too sweetheart!!! CATWOMANvampirates says: tc of urself alright, if anything, tell me AMMXR says: i started to miss you already! CATWOMANvampirates says: im here for u :] aww AMMXR says: ok darling CATWOMANvampirates says: meoooow =3 AMMXR says: =) CATWOMANvampirates says: tata CATWOMANvampirates winks: Play "Kiss" CATWOMANvampirates winks: Play "Kiss" CATWOMANvampirates winks: Play "Kiss" AMMXR says: hehe thank u so much darling =) CATWOMANvampirates says: welcome bushuk kush AMMXR says: MWARKXMWARKXMWARKX! CATWOMANvampirates says: ok go to sleeeeeep! hehe muaxmuax AMMXR says: tata cygkush! CATWOMANvampirates says: tata bby end our day with a smile on our face . im going to miss u dardar ♥
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Morning to all mortals ! Im going to make this short and simple eyk ? I JUST WANT "YOU" TO BE OUT FROM HERE FAST ! i hate to see your face . rather seeing your bicth face, its better for u to get out :D leave me in peace. ok done !
Sunday, May 23, 2010
![]() I teared when all those sweet memories came back to me. Yes, truely, i still do miss your hug & kisses . & most of all, i miss your touch . alhamdulillah, its been 4 days of doing cashiering, there's no shortage at all. thats good to hear [: & i get irritated everytime when i saw this girl at my workplace. she made me think suspicious of her . what did i dowrong to her ? luckily to my senses, i felt that she was looking at me when im on my way back to the office. i looked back though & yes, she did STARED at me. wow ! PERANGAI MINAHREP SIAL ! hahahahaaha . takk pasal la kann, ko nakk stare dekat ku, stare la puas2. entah ape ku buat haram dekat ko ponn, i have no idea . seriously, i do get irritated seeing ur face nowdays at work [: nakk ignore, cant, cos mesti tertengok nye ^^ satu keje peh ! tkp la . naseb bukan buat zoning. naseb cashier . kalau ku kene buat zoning, ku lagik takde mood . nakk perangai, buat depan2 ku! bodoh nye pompan ! harap kann tua dari ku jek !
Thursday, May 20, 2010
![]() I Just Want To Tell You ! Dear Ammar Hamizan, I just want to tell you, i love you with all my heart. I wish for us to be together, never shall we be apart. I just want to tell you, you put the smile on my face. I want to be by your side, i dont want to be any other place. I just want to tell you, you mean so much to me. I see you as nothing less than the world, and that i want you to see. I just want to tell you, i wouldnt be able to live without you. Without the comfort you give, there's nothing i could do. I just want to tell you, i thank you for being there. You've always given me a shoulder to lean on, and you always care. I just want to tell you, i think of you every moment of the day. And how much i love you, words could never even say.
right here, missing you ♥ BOO-CHAK !!
It takes time to heal . It takes time to forget the past . It takes time to gain back my trust . But forgiveness, it takes automatically . I've forgiven u. I had to give myself sometime to chill & think . Until both of us are ready, see how it goes . I see no improvement yet . Sorry i cant decide . & if u were to decide of letting me go, move on with other lady, its your choice . i have to accept the fact im not good enough & whatever decisions u make, i'll always be there to support u [: i just want to see u happy . & i will be glad if u are [: <3
Saturday, May 15, 2010
aww, i will be learning cashier soon. haha ! kinda not ready yet but yea, have to liao . im nervous plus scared . i dont want to have any shortage la ! :DD && i burned my upper lips :'( confident minum milo teros, ingat kann da sejok. HAHA ! tu la, pandai sangat :pp & i cant wait for "BUTO SAMA ANDA GIG" next week! woots♥ going to see my teddy perform :D ok lor, im heading to bed. toodles =3
Thursday, May 13, 2010
![]() i miss u so much beybey boi :'( WOOHOO! i've bought cheetah spaghetti short dress from warrior princess concept & black half short sleeve jacket from electric altilery concept. atlast ! ^^ & yea, stupid PINOY for ruining one of the staff's life yea? me myself, i got irritated by u. doesnt mean ur a senior, u can do whatever u want bitch ! dont anyhow assume things on us aye ? we work as a team, not foes bodoh ! & dont act that YOUR THE MOST SEXIEST & PRETTIEST PERSON AT WORK !! ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ YOU STUPID PINOY ! for your info, everybody at work HATES to work with u .
& yea, about those stocks coming, I KNOW HOW TO CLAIM IT ! im aint stupid, dont overstress me fuck ! i got only two hands, not 8 -.- if u want to talk so much, try to handle all those stuffs i did. oh well, i manage to do it somehow :D u dont even respect us. u lied to us ! ur a flirter for god sake, ur a stupid dumb whore i ever met . & oh please, dont make some "FACES" behind us. seriously if i were the manager, i'll slap ur face a long time ago aye ? && terminate u straight away ! HAHA ! but too bad, im just a staff here . i wont respect u ever & yea, ALL OF US HATES U BITCH ! STUPID MOTHA FUCKER PINOY ! TUPID TUPID TUPID ! *stomp foot hard*
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Saturday, May 8, 2010
I have no fucking mood now :'(
seriously, i dont know whats wrong with me, what the hell ? i felt angry myself , pfft"-.- thats so irritating la cann ? please for once, i want to be happy . sheesh :( i've tried but i failed . cant hold on to anything now . i cant even work properly . i got sick alot of times lately, & yea, its not a good terms anyway :( FINE ! i had sickness :'( but please dont tell me that it came back ?? :'( its alot worst now . argh ! im so stress now ! no mood to celebrate mother's day in advance today . just hang on there zyzy :| no one cant help me but my own . haiz . amin .
Friday, May 7, 2010
ATLAST im off tomorrow XD
im so shagged cos since last tuesday until today, i've worked . damn shagged i tell u. pfft . kinda sleepy, oh well, bare with it lor . miss my adorable computer :p nowadays, i felt so moody . reasons ? i have no idea why . pfft . i felt that im useless . err, why ? cos i felt that way sometimes :] i felt lonely . i felt that im nothing . haha . i dont know why im feeling this way . saddening huh ? yea yea, i know ^^ nvms. maybe im just too tired . lolx. -end-
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
A good morning chat with beybey boy♥
HXLK says: baby! goodmorning! SHE HXLK says: beybey ! goodmorning ! takk prasan u online HXLK says: i terbangun lambat seyy bby hahaha skola dah start sey SHE HXLK says: then how ? go siap skg go ! HXLK says: i tgah tunggu kawan i nyer reply ni. haha. i msg dier duruh bangun. dier reply 'alaaa. kene ke?' -. * -.- SHE HXLK says: tu takknakk pegik kola atau die maseh mengigau?? HXLK says: hahahaha OH anw YOU'RE SO SWEET HONEY! i dah bace blog you! hee. =)) first time a girl did that to me tau sweetheart!! SHE HXLK says: oh ingat u lupe HXLK says: im really flattered SHE HXLK says: * e hees huh? like seriusly b ? HXLK says: like seriously!! SHE HXLK says: ok beybey boi HXLK says: ;D MWAH!MWAH!MWAH! SHE HXLK says: *gun :x hehe glad that u loved it bby! HXLK says: of coz sayang hee SHE HXLK says: so nga wtpe nik?? HXLK says: tgah chat dgn u sambil pack i nye beg =) SHE HXLK says: nanak pack i skali dlm ur beg ker ? bwk skali HXLK says: hahaha kalau i bwk luggage takpe la syg SHE HXLK says: aye ok peh bwk luggage takk slh kann ? u cyg i, i cyg u must bring me along man ! cmon ! aha HXLK says: hehe gigit u baru tau ye. cheeky laa bby i ni u dah mandi ke blom? SHE HXLK says: cheeky? U CALL ME CHEEKY? HXLK says: hehe cheeky laaaa SHE HXLK says: U CALL ME THAT OH-ONE-MORE-TIME, i will wrestle with u just wait wakaka beloom ? hurhur HXLK says: hehehe SHE HXLK says: nnt baru mndi la alaaaa bby nik mcm bpk i pulak , bluek HXLK says: babygirl i nak mandi oke? SHE HXLK says: ok go bbyboi HXLK says: btw, dress u pakai smlm lawa tau syg. but mcm low cut seh bby SHE HXLK says: its like that the pattern & oh, enaa asked me to wear so yea just for ma beshtie HXLK says: =) SHE HXLK says: go bathe ok? imysfm ! HXLK says: imy too honey! SHE HXLK says: DA MANDI DA? CPT NYOH? HXLK says: hahaha lambat buat ape seh bby SHE HXLK says: mane tawuk u love to play with water ? splash here & there like new born BBY ? LOLX HXLK says: lol SHE HXLK says: so, err , ur fwen waku up redi? waku pulak. wake up i meant huhu HXLK says: da pea dah bangon 1130 i jumpe dier pat jurong SHE HXLK says: oh its pea ? lolx gile ! skg i rase mcm nakk YAyak =.= HXLK says: tu la pagi makan calbee SHE HXLK says: rox peh ! HAHA HXLK says: yela2 hehe ade2 aje bby i ni SHE HXLK says: aye nono im aint ur bby bluek im ur future wifey HXLK says: yay2!! hehe SHE HXLK says: suke suke ? let me pass ma cooking & sewing first ok? nakk angkat kain bju, i'll asked u seram nakk angkat gala. haha HXLK says: hehehe SHE HXLK says: brb b ! da nakk meneran ! HXLK says: okie dokie sayang SHE HXLK says: lolx back ! HXLK says: haha oke syg i tgah siap ni SHE HXLK says: haha nakk ngok? oh upe ur webcam rosak :( HXLK says: kadang2 oke tapi i no time to webcam syg. im rushing SHE HXLK says: huhu i tawuk la relax la b nakmo tkt i majok i tkd ppe shey b aiyo HXLK says: rambut i dah tebal seh bby i hate it SHE HXLK says: trim it la b! HXLK says: bby i nak kluar love you! MWAH! anything text me love SHE HXLK says: ok bye i love you too tata dear HAHA ! awwwwww♥ ![]() He was depressed at first cos the girl that he loved & dated with chose her ex than him . his hurt deeply . alot of stuffs cracking in his mind . he just simply speechless & heartbroken . :( ![]() He try to move on with the girl number 2, he slowly does but girl number 2 didnt give much attention to him, he felt alone . he felt useless . he just dont know what to do . ![]() Then this one fine day, the girl that he dated a few months back came to contact him & ask for help. she was sick & tired of her ex. too hurt to control her feelings whereby he tries to comfort her, forgave her, gain back her trust towards him, accept her back. he smiles & gave the girl a HUGE hug since then . :) ![]() His expression started to developed . He was loved truely by the girl his dating now . Much happiness in him and he truely do appreciate the girl alot . He goes "awwwww" . He brought along the girl to meet his blood brothers, bandmates & school friends . His GLAD cos atlast the girl get to know all his friends . He was pleased . :B ![]() And now, he is truely pleased cos the girl whom loved him so much is me (: See how happy he is in the picture ? With his sports management shirt ? Yes, i really do love this guy alot. He was called Teddy♥ a.k.a babyboi. To Ammar Hamizan : Just so u know dardar, i will always love u. Eventhough we're dating for a few weeks now, i'd consider u as my lovable guy now (: No one can seperate u away from me, cos from the bottom of my red bloody heart, the person whom i love the most now is only YOU dearest ♥ Eventhough we did fought sometimes, we will make this dream come true . I just want us to be faithfull with each other & only u can make the darkness bright beybey . Im glad to met a guy like u, OOOOH like SERIOUSLY! :DD iloveyou teddy sapau kuih pao pipi telur chest bergoyang :p sungguh takk perlu, saya tahu :DD ♥ imissyou !
Sunday, May 2, 2010
ohoh ya oi ! im shagged :\ tiring day it was today :[ now im off to have my supper then go to sleep. later had to wake up early for work. toodles ♥ |