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Hello, i'm Zyzy Ryu Kyon Minho :3
Sweet 20
I'm into fashion ♥

Saturday, June 26, 2010

( 13/03/1992-25/06/2010 )
Ridzuan Jumali

His one of my greatest friend i ever had . Even
we didnt chat that much, we share alot of things together
till we kept in silence cos of our different life's .
And his one of my junior in school; ITE COLLEDGE EAST .
He was there for me .
His nice & caring towards everybody .
I still cant accept the fact that his gone forever .
I still felt that his still alive, doing his own things at home or outside,
recording his solo songs by himself, his biggest dream
to be a singer but
all of that have wasted .
Its all gone :'(
Im crying my heart out & i just cant believe
the body i saw from a distance was you :'(
I really didnt expect that .
Im so down right now :'(
How could that be ? Why ridzuan ? :'(
All the memories we have from our ite time till now
will never be forgotten, seriously :'(
& thanks to you for recommending me a song called "Perpisahan" by Ashidy Riduan .
Its a nice song to hear & yes, you're seperated from us all :'(
Semoga roh mu diberkati Allah S.W.T dan semoga kamu ditempatkan
dengan orang yang beriman .
Ampun kan dosa-dosa nya Ya Allah :'(
Tempatkan allahyarham di syurga Ya Allah dan semoga roh nya
tidak dihina :'(

Im going to miss you so much sahabat ku :'(
I'll pray for you without fail .
& i'll remember you always, as my BESTEST FRIEND OF ALL who
always smile & give laughters to all :'(