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Hello, i'm Zyzy Ryu Kyon Minho :3
Sweet 20
I'm into fashion ♥

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Well well .
Look whose talking ?
Someone post something BIG about me .
make me look bad ? haha .
well, i appreciate what have u done for me through out the years .
yes, its different from ite lifes & poly life .
come one, like HELLO !
its not you alone in poly life, even some of my closest friends
have the same situation as you.
get your head in the situation now dude.
i brought you closer to hell ?
wow, superb !
cant you see your different since you start clingy with that
dudette of yours ?
well well, what can i say ? yes, i have the right to point your mistakes .
what ? you stated & you even thought that i said i was with my ex boyfriend
that time was an excuse ?
what the hell ?
or its you not an understanding type of person huh ?
dont differentiate between that past matter & to your matter .
you thought i was a type of friend who come and go ?
you're wrong .
see for yourself. you even have fun dating with her.
still have the time to go out right ?
haha . whats the motive of you saying to me you cant even go out cos of ur stella thingy ?
fuck la !
nonsence !
i have brains to think & hope you do so too, arent you ??
dont thank me, thank yourself fro bringing youself
in hell ! dont blame me .
you're a nobody ?
low self esteem huh ?
pfft . did i ever look down on you ?
did i? think before say .
easy said, you dont even thought im your bestfriend neither .
the way you framed me ?
congrats aites ?
thanks so much dude .
as if im a hell girl right ?
now i see your true colors .
cos of a girl, our friendship ruins ?
at times, you have to accept the fact you're in wrong too
& yes, i admit i did wrong too in past but i have my reasons .
you have your reasons too but its
not link to anything, oh like seriously .
oh fyi, aku takk pandang pasal duit kau arx .
aku cuma pandang pasal perangai kau and how we communicate with each other. thats
all i want but in fact, you're too over .
ciao !