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![]() Sweet 20 Attached I'm into fashion ♥ Jadore♥ ♥ Nizamdead ♥ Adeq Ah-een♥ ♥ Adie Nov 19 ♥ Diyanah KC ♥ Dellila ♥ Dyrawr ♥ Dee; kaysiao ♥ Elly Chan F21 ♥ Faz Maniac ♥ Fatwan Nov 19 ♥ Fanakechykk♥♥♥ ♥ Feycka Montello♥♥ ♥ Hani Beybey♥♥ ♥ Hidayah Helia ♥ Insan ♥ Idah Ryn ♥ Jocelyn F21 ♥ Leana♥♥ ♥ Liyana BA ♥ Mar ♥ Nadd ♥ Pikka ♥ Regina♥♥♥ ♥ Yantoi
March 2007
April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 May 2011
Monday, August 23, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
![]() BOO-CHAK ! This days was sucha awesome day shits that i've been going through ? :D This all started with a misunderstanding ? OH WELL "-.- It all started with a twitter thing, saying/criticising about me, making such a BIG fuss about me, knowing my secrets that no one's want to know about ? okeh seriously thats lame :D i've been ignoring this crap for days but still, kept hearing things from belove's , that SOMEONE still kept dragging things at twitter or wherever about me ? 0.0 hence i was happily working in the morning last two days, received a news about SOMEONE typing shits about me at twitter . a whore ? thus, Forever 21 was being put into it too ? what the hell ? why must my workplace get involved ? who else she knew from forever 21, only me, for god sake . oh well, it started when maybe SOMEONE read my status at facebook last 3 days, SOMEONE thought it was for her. pfft. excuuuuuuuse meh ? according to my research, for the whole entire life, i only owned 1 ex ? hahahahahaha ! LAME-OOOOHS :D i blogged this not because of making a big deal out of it. just to show how i felt inside ? people not knowing the true facts ? faggots ! i didnt do any harm to u, why must u be harm to me ? i got alot of better things to do than nagging nor gossiping about u ? like as if im a lifeless kind of person ? oh please. one more thing, if we're lifeless, we dont work to survive. saying lifeless just because we LOOOOVE to slack around esplanade and wherever it is ? bull----shaiiiits. hehe. and gossiping ? erm erm, hello ? we're matured anough to think straight ahead than U acting like one BIG MATURE KID who knew everything ? i can ignore this once and for all but please, dont try to step me . doesnt mean im ignoring, im giving up . sorry lor ! wont happen ! haha. fyi, all off the gig people's are stupid ? like as if your lover arent a gig type of guy ? haha. you're making yourself more stupid? oh like seriously ? hehe. i think you're a psychotic kind of person. seram aku :\ hate me, then so be it. i cant get through you, so hope my blog WILL get through you sooner :) even if i had your number, as if you going to answer/reply me :) okeh ? PEACE ehx ? dengar dengar kau cakap da settle kann ? haha. okeh, im following the flow. chiao !
Thursday, August 19, 2010
amzan_bvss@hotmail.com said (11:47 PM): dimana kamu sih? ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: im here pantat sexay ! You have just sent a nudge. AMMXR says: heee!~ u tgah buat ape b? ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: nga tngu u webcam la sexay ass! AMMXR says: ok jap eh b ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: okeh AMMXR says: ok bby AMMXR is inviting you to start viewing webcam. Do you want to Accept (Alt+C) or Decline (Alt+D) the invitation? You have accepted the invitation to start viewing webcam. ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: mane luka u? nakk ngok? AMMXR says: ni shoulder kecik je ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: aahh :( AMMXR says: ni kaki ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AMMXR says: haha ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: ASAL UR NOT CAREFUL ENOUGH ! :'( AMMXR says: itu la dier kalau motor biase i dah lepas dah ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: b :'( thats a big wound shey AMMXR says: pasal i corner baring dalam sgt. motor pat sane ader safety bar pat tepi. skali bar dier scrape lantai. i pun jatuh lorrr. yg pelik dier, i bangun, dah atas pavement -.- ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: 0.0 AMMXR says: tapi seluar i koyak kecik seh i pikir stakat lebam aje so i tak check lar ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: b, seriusly feeling like putting alot of medications that i have onto ur scars la cann ? AMMXR says: biler i pat habib, ika suruh i check. skali i tgk terkejot sehh eh sakit la syg! hahaha i makan panadol je =D ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: ape PEACE no peace for me no peace ! hmph ! AMMXR says: sorry baby nak tgk lagi? haha ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: i ponn nakk jatoh la ginik mcm nanak ! AMMXR says: B! u takmo macam2 hor! ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: i dont care hor if ma baby in pain, i want it too ! sehati sekening mah XD AMMXR says: HAHA ape je syg aku ni =pp ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: hurhur tomorrow i am shift yay ! AMMXR says: hehes good la syg =) where u going after work b? ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: no plans ! im available ! hurhur AMMXR says: hahaha i gi buka puase dgn faizal sume pat cck nak ikot tak? tapi pat CCK tau ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: faizal sape ? oh faizal ! AMMXR says: -.- hahaha ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: erm erm should i ? AMMXR says: faizal, shafiiq, lala ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: XD AMMXR says: there's girls too budak2 sec school i lor tapi bukan my batch. batch faizal sume haha ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: haha sec sch abeh i org lua mcm funny hor tkp tkp AMMXR says: takper larrrrr ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: nakk i ikot jugak ieyr iyer ? ^^ AMMXR says: naaak =)) ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: hyees okeh lor ur wish have been granted correct me if im wrong :( AMMXR says: correct lar syg =) ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: really ?? oh im improving ma english bit by bit oh yesh yesh ! ahuh ! ahuh ! what time sleeping? AMMXR says: not sure syg i blom mandi ni EHEHEHEHE ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: i thought of waiting till sahur then i sleep haha aip aip! STOOOOOP! NO SMOKING! AMMXR says: u nak wait till sahur then sleep?? ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: AIP AIP ! HAHA AMMXR says: ARRIBA ARRIBA! ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: ASAM BETOOL ! ARRIBA PANTAT U ! AMMXR says: =p ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: RUBABA RUBABA ! sshh AMMXR says: HAHAHA! I BILAANG! u... tgk eh ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: B !!!!!!!!!!!! :( EEKK SAPE PUNYE ? AMMXR says: alyf salleh beli haha ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: siak jek AMMXR says: dari thailand hahahaha ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: for what sia ?? AMMXR says: dildo hahaha alyf kirim main2 skali dier btol2 beli kan ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: -.- AMMXR says: hahahaa ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: oh the one u've told me last 2 days ? AMMXR says: yup2 ika kasi i chocolate dari batam. coz arifin takle makan HAHAHA kesian kan i yg untung =D ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: -.- yela jigglypuff kt sini takk untung pape ponn AMMXR says: nape pulak? ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: no one buy for me a thing :( AMMXR says: alalalalaaa MWAAAAHHHH!!!~ ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: hees share share la ! nakmo lokek dosha :} AMMXR says: ok hunneh!~ =D ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: yeehak ! shayang die ! nik skg kt bilik sape ? AMMXR says: bilik i dgn abag i *abg ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: oh maseh share rooms ? ala bored klu i nakk seductive ngn u takk buley shey :\ AMMXR says: kebykan kotak2 haha cannot lorrr =( ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: sedih kann anw bby, just wana inform u that tomorrow i'll be having sleepover ma fwen house :) AMMXR says: which fwen syg? ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: hees a fwen of mine and enaa phriya ish her name there will be amy and intan too :) cann cann ?? AMMXR says: awrite bby =) ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: yay ! shayang u !! muax muax ! on the 4th u guys are performing isit ? AMMXR says: yet to be confirmed syg but mos probably lor how i wish ERIS wud open for despised icon haha ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: haha sounds so great for u guys huh? well, hope so too okeh ? :) omg AMMXR says: ya lorrr ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: i cant sleep sodeeeeeeeeeeeh AMMXR says: aiyoo nape bby? ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: nta takk rase ngantok shey but takk kann i nakk suroh u teman i kann tkp tkp klu u nakk bobok, u go bobok now shayang && oh ! cant wait for tomorrow ! AMMXR says: i blom lagi mandi syg ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: yeehak ! AMMXR says: =D me too hun! ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: teehee just cant believe that you're finally ending ur probation shey bree bree AMMXR says: ya lor besok last day =))) ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: hees yupyup da b go mandi now and sleep okeh AMMXR says: okay babygirl MWAH! brb ! The webcam session has ended. ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: ur gona chat with me back ?? AMMXR says: confirm sakit sehh are you still gonna be online? ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: yupyup but u look sleepy hehe AMMXR says: haha okk brb baby ;D ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: okok AMMXR says: PEDIH SEH B MANDI TADI =( ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: ALALA tahan sayang ur strong arent u? meh sini i kasi hug and kish muax hug ! AMMXR says: =)=) OUUCCHH !!!! bara terkene !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: B! DA DONT SMOKE! NNT MCM2 KENE ! ARGH ! AMMXR says: = *=/ SAKIT SIAAA ADOI ! hahahaha kecoh sia ni belom dapat lesen tau padahal ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: tu la dangerous rider la u haha kecohsx da nakmo melalak tahan sayang AMMXR says: i tak melalak b haha ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: u melalak, i sumbat u ngn ponteng shushu AMMXR says: ponteng ke puting ? ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: puting? GAHH BBY! U SPOT ME TWICE FOR TODAY ! argh paise peh aku ! AMMXR says: HEHEHEHEHE tetap aku sayang kau bacen ! ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF says: hehe aku ponn sayang kau wangi ! hehe AMMXR says: =)) ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: hees u takk ngantok ker b ? AMMXR says: ngantokk haha ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: haha then go to sleep beybey dont force urself (: AMMXR says: im not sayang =) i still can tahan haha ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: haha but terang2 that ur sleepy okeh yok mkn CHEESE TART NGN i yok yok AMMXR says: huhu you yok yok, tapi i tak ke mane haha ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: haha i ponn takk ker mane ngn kaki u mcm tu abeh u jln tempang la nik ? sok nakk buka ape ehx ? hmm AMMXR says: haha entah b i pun tak tau tempat dier jual makanan ape its cck park dorang jumpe kol 5 tau syg kol brape eh agak2 kite sampai? jap i kol fiq kalau dier bwk rhaudhah tak ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: okeh !! i abes kul 5 genap lolx AMMXR says: ala dier tak angkat ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: ala nga tido la tu u nik ! haha AMMXR says: ya hor hahaha i guess i shuld sleep too then haha nights babygirl! meet you tmr awrite love ? MMWAAHH MWAH MWAAAAHHHH!!~ <3<3<3<3 sayang kamu dehh! ZYZY JUNICHI JIGGLYPUFF(: says: okeh bby sayang kamu jugek deh ! muax muax nytes shayang ! tata
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
![]() BOO-CHAK !! I received a message from dardar, saying, "I've never felt so close with u seh b! hehs" . And i ask what he means by that ? he told me i've never follow him to jamming sessions two days in row before and thus have not work at the same place as me :) But now, we did. Im so glad cos of why ? Easy to meet my dardar now ! hehe. I still remember dardar told me on what ayu had told him ? ayu:"ala, okeh la tu. ko dekat atas, zyzy dekat bawah tingkat satu. senang jumpe kann. dekat gile shey keje korang. hahahaha" . true true ! im so happy ! i love you dear :) i just can't believe we're in good terms now and those feelings we had, came back to us. its a miracle huh? i dont expect this to happen but yea, it just did :D Ammar Hamizan Bin Khairudin, you're my sweetest drug i ever had . Hope this will work out for us this time ? :) i'll be missing u starting from today . Meet up soon dear :)
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
BOO-CHAK !! Well, yesterday follow ammar to his jamming session with e.r.i.s :) They're awesome ! :DD especially when they played "I Repulse" . hehe break fast with them at beats merchants. okeh thats all !
Monday, August 9, 2010
![]() Still remember when i first saw his face. it was just your average day, it was may or maybe june. I think i remember, i ran home and told my mom i was in love but she said "sazlina your just to young to even understand the word and i dont think your in it at all" :\ Guys, you should seen us holding hands, telling our jokes and making plans and knowing it our hearts it was the start of our ever after :) it was then i knew there could never be anyone for him but me and deep down in his heart he knew it too. & it was first time in my life that i had ever felt this way inside and i knew that it was real. it was the first time just like the snow fall coming down in june. impossible but it could be true and i knew that it was real :) Then one day we got the news he and his family had to move there wasnt anything we could do. then i turned and watched him walk away. all my sunshine turned to rain and i dont wanna feel that way again. show me you meant it boy because i could get use to this. obsessed with your sexiness and its you thats in my heart . and i know what your trying to do . your making me work out for you, making me fuss over you and i cant help it if im in love. and i knew it that look in your eyes my dardar . for the very time i've got this strangest feelings. in my mind thinking what to do and i dont want to lose this feeling. the best time i have is with you :) unashamed of showing my affection . just spent a little time with you. stay up late on the phone to you. i cant believe what i feel inside . ive seen the tide written on the floor. you've got my hand if you ever really need it . anytime if you think you'd fall, im with you always :) dont really need a second invitation. give me something to look forward to. all i want is a little love nation to be with you . and i feel alive for the very first, really. i miss you Ammar Hamizan♥
Sunday, August 8, 2010
TODAY IS THE BEST DAY EVER AT WORK ! NOT ONLY ME BUT ALL OF THE STAFFS IN FOREVER 21; VIVO CITY ARE SO PROUD OF OURSELVES. OH WELL, WE'RE THE BEST ! well done guys :DD we can do it. lets do more for the upcoming day & thats from tomorrow onwards okeh ? love you all ♥
Saturday, August 7, 2010
![]() U know who u are teddy ♥ I would march across the desert to defeat my enemy and i would lie here in the trenches with your picture next to me and i when i told you its forever, then it's hopw its going to be . No, i wont let her just take the place of me . Does she really know you like i know you, all the little things ? Does she really love you like i love you, how can he compete ? If she makes me fight for you, die for you, would she do the same ? This is turning into way more than a game :\ Now it feels like soldiers in a war and none of us are backing down and i will show you victory is mine before we leave this battleground . Cause she dont want to leave and i dont want to go and i know how this battle goes. She dont want to leave and i dont want to fight this kind of war . You know she's not the women you think she is; shes hiding all her flaws . So tell me whats the point of fighting ? because we'll all end up in scars. But boy if that's what i must go through, then im not prepared to lose . Cause i've already bled so much for you. Getting kind of sick of this battle. Wish i could take it back to when i had you. Im always thinking that i can have you, just let her have you. Its getting kinda hard to convince you. After all the shit that we've been through. What, would you let all this happen ? You got a choice to make it stop. Its already going too far. i miss you. |