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Hello, i'm Zyzy Ryu Kyon Minho :3
Sweet 20
I'm into fashion ♥

Friday, August 28, 2009

Well, all of this people is my main priority .
To all, thanx for cheering me up, thanx for the adventures
thats you've made for zyzy .
To some whom i just knew, i stated u here cos
u helped me alot, ur such a great fwen indeed [:
I would like to say this before its too late .
Im scared, there's no time left for me .
ily all alot :]
Dont cry for me when im gone [:
I knew im so stupid when i said this .
But this is from my heart, deep inside .
I start to be sick a long time ago & its getting worst now.
Idk whats happening to me .
I just get to know that i had a very very low blood pressure .
Vomitted alot of times even when im ok .
I felt so strange, idk what was it .
Maybe its time for me ??
Maybe not ?
U guys, thanx so so much for all the joyfull things
that all of u have done for me [:
I wotn forget that & i will always be in ur heart even im far
from u guys [:
Remember that ok ?
Just to let u know if i start not to online, not to reply ur messages, not to ans any calls,
then u know what happen to me [:
Thats the sign , im....
I dont want to say .
i just love u guys alot :'(
tc for now .

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Dear ALLAH, pls guide this dearest
of mine to a right path, tc of him when im gone .
Lead him to a happy life cos he deserve it much .
Clear his heart which was full with hatred, anger .
Clear his mind which was full with problems around him,
stress, think too much till his own self cant be solved .
Pls, let him be with someone whom can tc of him when im not around .
I really lup him YA ALLAH .
I really do, its just fate cant last long soon .
Protect him from any danger, from any harm .
Protect him truely .
Make his heart strong enough to go through all this painfull
things that his gone through YA ALLAH .

Daddy, im sorry for all the things ive said,for all the things
that made u hurt alot.
Baby really really love u but idk why im feeling this kinda way .
Its strange , i know .
If can, i want to be with u forever dear .
But fate, its not in our hands .
Pls tc of yourself when ur out of singapore ready dear .
Dont forget to msg me ok ?
i will be missing u so much batman .
i really do .
your my everything now, i dont want
anything to happen to u .
Send my regards to ayah .
I just scared i leave u too soon :'(
Im worried of myself dear,
but no matter what, i will always be there in your heart if i were to go
first before u .
Will always be watching u, leading a happy life
with someone whom can replace my positions .
i feel so alive when ur with me, seriously.
Thanx for all the adventures we've made .
i love you Nur Fazli Bin Ghazali so much .
gurree .

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Well, kinda sad when someone u love
says to his fwen that his life is boring .
It sadest me truely .
Even we are ok with each other .
Well, he did changed me, thats good, even it hurt me so much that night .
Can't even imagine how it feels when someone told u about ur bad side
from the past 1 year, & now he just told u.
I appreciate it much .
Checked his comments, seems
my comments are dead for him, others he replied a.s.a.p.
As for mine, had to ask him to reply.
Well, up to him .
Whether which way he want to choose.
I dont want to control any part of his life anymore.
Yea, i know i have given up .
Im at fault, all was my fault .
Ive given him so much hope till his changing towards me.
Im so bad right now.
Maybe thats why im always sick .
Think alot mostly cos of me & him.
Our future .
I rather be gone than facing this such problems .
I cant even explain anything to him, he will react .
Its hard .
I will listen to him, but see how far we can go being together .
Its all cos of me, his life changing :'(
So no point for me to be upset, let him choose his path of happiness .
I promise i wont do anything harm, wont make any lame jokes,
wont be with him till 24/7 , wont disturb him everyday,
wont be msging him that much .
I promise.
Let him has his own happiness life .
His free .
I felt like im holding his back .
Im sorry :'(
Hope u forgive me .
Well just now at work, i fainted, luckily most of
my collegues helped me out .
Carry me to toilet, let me rest & stuff, they did worried about me.
I appreciate it alot u guys [:
Especially thanx to sasha, lyana, suki & jass for carrying me.
& to hafiz, thanx for ur mentos sweet for me to munch on,
& to zulkarnain, thanx for informing valerie that im sick.
& to whoever in the staff lounge just now, heard alot saying to me to
be strong & stuff, dun reli recognise ur voice, thanx so much guys .
I wont forget that, & to shaf shaf, thanx for making me laugh in the morning at msn ok?
hope to know u more better .

Good times with dearest .
will be missing u this fasting month hunneh ^^
iloveyou ♥