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![]() Sweet 20 Attached I'm into fashion ♥ Jadore♥ ♥ Nizamdead ♥ Adeq Ah-een♥ ♥ Adie Nov 19 ♥ Diyanah KC ♥ Dellila ♥ Dyrawr ♥ Dee; kaysiao ♥ Elly Chan F21 ♥ Faz Maniac ♥ Fatwan Nov 19 ♥ Fanakechykk♥♥♥ ♥ Feycka Montello♥♥ ♥ Hani Beybey♥♥ ♥ Hidayah Helia ♥ Insan ♥ Idah Ryn ♥ Jocelyn F21 ♥ Leana♥♥ ♥ Liyana BA ♥ Mar ♥ Nadd ♥ Pikka ♥ Regina♥♥♥ ♥ Yantoi
March 2007
April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 May 2011
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
![]() BOO-CHAK !! TO ALL ! AM NOT FREE ON 30TH SEPTEMBER, 1 TO 9 OCTOBER ! THANX [: fyi only :p aye, lu buley belah sudah ! malas nak layan sia ! hahahahahaha :p
Sunday, September 27, 2009
![]() Today went raya at segamat & kulai . Went out from house at 8am, kinda sleepy though . Then i slept again when we are on our way to segamat . haha ! First thing, i aim for the food cos im damn hungry at that moment *growl* After had ma lunch, played with kittens outside atok hitam house [: && ma last lil bro, zakir happily chasing those innocent chickens -.- haha , its kinda funny la when those chickens start to cock a doodle doo . hurhur xp Then after that went to take a nap , & idk why am i so tiring & sleepy . haha XD After that procced to kulai, well, what to do, its boring yaw, butt start to ached, mp3 flat, sheesh . & my foot ish swollen -.- nicccccce . blablabla, go back home & oops ! before that, i bought 2 bubble gums, haha ! && saw ma 2nd lil bro[mizi] twin, haha ! exactly looked like him, his a police at woodlands checkpoint :p ok doink, imy la superstar rockstar ^^
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
![]() BOO-CHAK !! Well, 2 days has passed, hari raya for me is still sucha bore but still some part of it, made me smile [: My cousin had given birth to a baby girl . aww, she look exactly like me when i was a newborn baby [: hurhur xp her cheeks was so chubby & the smell, woooooots ! felt like coming to bedok now & carry her again [: haha . so cuuuuuute . i wish im still a small kiddo, celebrating raya with full of joy :DD duit dapat banyak babe ! :pp
Saturday, September 19, 2009
![]() Since im out of my old workplace, alot of things happened . Alot of painful things happened recently . I just cant bare with these tears i cried .Yea, alot of probs came to me this few weeks . Even truthfully, doesnt have the mood to celebrate raya . haiz . I shouted back at people whom fight back with me cos i knew alot of hatred inside me for long since im young . If u guys really understands me, thats good . Especially to dearest, i really understand him but i dont know how to talk to him nicely sometimes . I know much i had to really change my attitude starting from now. Im useless cos im good in words not at doing . Im praying so that my loves ones wont go away from me especially dearest . I learned my lesson now . haiz. No point to cry cos things have happened. :[ Just really hope he forgive me cos everything that hurt me, i have forgave him before hand [: Cos i sincerely love him . Whatever happens, just leave it to ALLAH . I dont want to judge, cos i still believe, somewhere in his heart, he still love me . Its just his too follow with his temper & ego . Hard heart at times & didnt know much how to express his love towards me . Thats why i still believe in him [: & am staying strong cos i love him damn much till i cant even move to other person to fall in love with . Mummeh says, love is blind, be careful always, & i am. But i know, now, his the only one in my heart that i really really love the most even we complicated things up at times. I trust him . :] I will keep smiling even when im being scolded . Cos im giving in now . I dont want to hurt him, understand his situation . He may look ok outside, but deep down in his heart, i knew he need someone to share with . Still que that is unanswered . He still have worries in him, i know . :] Well, just want to say, i love him so much . halal kan makan dan minum bby . :'( maafkan bby untuk semua dosa dosa yang bby buat dekat u . bby sedar, bby banyak menyusahkan u, byk menyakitkan hati u, bby banyak cari pasal , marah2 u pon, u sanggup tak nak lepas kan bby. bby pon rase gitu jugak, bby ikot perasaan . bby banyak buat salah dekat u, bby mintak maaf banyak banyak :'( bby memang bodoh , tak pakai otak sebelom cakap sesuatu . bby cuma nak u tau, bby syg syg sangat dengan u. u la satu satu nye, boleh tahan dgn perangai i yang terok ni , u lah satu satu nye yang boleh berubah kan i, u la satu satu nye yang boleh buat i senyum, walaupun kite selalu gadoh :'( bby kalau boleh, nak bersama dgn u seumur hidup . bby nak sambut raya dgn u . bby nak pakai baju raya pink dgn u & family kite . psl bby tau, bby da tak cukup time lagi . bby decided to go for an operation, tu pon dlm pertengahan bulan . bby nak tengok u bahagia selalu . maafkan i ok sayang ? lepas u bace ni, msg i ok dear ? bile da tak dekat singapore nanti, kirim salam ayah dan ibu dan abg shamsul di sane . ucapkan camat hari raya maaf zahir dan batin kepada sume keluarga u. berhati-hati tau syg . imysm, i hope u felt the same way toosh . :] papai sayang . kirim salam dekat kakak dan ibu jugak bile u balik jb nanti [: u u u u, i sayang u. i jadi sundal, sume pasal u :D
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Zyzy wants him to be happy [:
& i got good news for him about that girl of his [: I suggest to let him be with her now [: Its ok if im alone, i dont want my love ones to suffer [: & if im gone, i know that i will always be in his heart, always be loving him [: go for her, im happy to see u with her, really ;
Sunday, September 13, 2009
![]() BOO-CHAK !!
Tsktsk . haha, today went to geylang with my mummeh, ma aunty & cousin [: Went to look for mummeh baju kurung [: End up i bought the same baju kurung as my cousin ezza. haha . kembar siam la sioooooot ! Then then i saw somebody la kann, thats ruff ! huhu ^^ happy sia member nampak gua ! :D suke? suke? :p mati mati member nakk meet mummeh gua, haha ! kekek la lu . but sorry la ruff if my cousin & li bro mengutuk psl u ape entah la kann dowang akap psl ape kuwa dari kandang,? haha . sorry la, their cheeky man . then i saw adelia, woohoo ! BIG BIG cmile i give, happy sia. terlalu sioooot ! jeng jeng jeng, after that, go home ! zoooooooom ! gua mendak babe . mau tido la sial! haha, papai ! camat malam kepada lu lu semua ! :DD
Saturday, September 12, 2009
![]() This guy here kann, haha ! Kecohx arx. His my very favourite beshtie cikuuu cikuuu . He told me once not to give up in life, his right after all [: I chose him to be my 3rd beshtie in life cos i deserve a fwen like him yaw ! & i knew i love him so much as a great fwen & hope he read this ok ? huhu ^^ & eyawwwwn, dun need to worry about me no more . ZYZY STRONG ! ZYZY BRAVE ! ZYZY GILE ! *like what you've said to me last time -.-* Hope to meet up with u one day ok? ZYZY WANA MEET EYAWWWWWWWN ! cikuuu cikuuu :p Well, eyan, tag me when u finish reading this blog of mine ok? Treasure u loads arx babe [: && eyan, thanx for everything & also for yesterday ^^ huhu ^^ appreciate it loads, when the time comes, i will strike. GAHH ! msg u ltr beshtie cikuuu cikuuu kush ^^ tata !
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
![]() BOO-CHAK !! Do i really look like this cat ? My friend says i look exactly like this little kitty . hmph ! I dont have whiskers, im a CATWOMAN ! HAHA XD But its so cute though, mushy cikuuuu boo =3 ok, thats all . Post for only this kitty [:
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Well, yesterday was my last day of work, ive resigned . :D Some reasons actually. hehe . Skipped my fasting day cos ive vomitted during work yesterday, asked for early leave, WHAT THE HECK ! MY LAST DAY SIA, dun care about the work system ready . hahahaha . Met dearest at orchard around 5.30pm then proceed to city hall to meet fadli [: We passed by this shoe shop, & dearest was like asking me, "B, u cakap nakk beli kasot vans same same ngn i? u takk beli ker ?" while asking, his nose blooms ? :DDDD No offence dear :pp hees, cikuuuu cikuuuuu . Then went to paya lebar, bought a new hp batt for dearest, took my reserved kebaya, light pink in color .[ mummeh says my kebaya looks like a wedding dress -.- ] Then went to bazaar, saw this SUPER HOT PINK SLEEVELESS DRESS . *eyes full of heart shape* totally in love with it . but sad, no hot pink left, so i took the torquise . ive bought it but not with the belt cos im saving $ ^^ then suddenly dearest give me $10 to buy the diamond belt . i was like, "wow" . so sweet of him. but before this happen, he did gave me a surprise, not too big but for me, its a total special, that i wont ever forget . He wore me a HEART SHAPE necklace, i was a total jerk to cry but i didnt . *tahan air mata kush* thanx so much beybey [: well, dearest said to me yesterday,"takk ape baby, ini jek la i boleh repay ur kindness cos you've bought me alot of things, sesekali jek kann?" & he hugged me . hees . ily ddy ! :DDD then i went back around 1am , reached home . will upload those picx soon, dearest memory card making a BIG BIG problem. && bby, i nakk meet kakak, ibu, abg boi & abg din soon cann ? i mish them alot :'( ok thats all . later coming down to my ex-uniqlo workplace to get my taxi claims, aye manager yg bau ketik, U HATE ME, I HATE U TOOSH BLODDY ASSHOLE . IM OUTA HERE, so just give me that bloody taxi claim otey ketik? :DD tata ! |