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Hello, i'm Zyzy Ryu Kyon Minho :3
Sweet 20
I'm into fashion ♥

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

fyi only :p
aye, lu buley belah sudah !
malas nak layan sia !
hahahahahaha :p

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Today went raya at segamat & kulai .
Went out from house at 8am, kinda sleepy though .
Then i slept again when we are on our way to segamat .
haha !
First thing, i aim for the food cos im damn hungry
at that moment *growl*
After had ma lunch, played with kittens outside atok hitam house [:
&& ma last lil bro, zakir happily chasing those
innocent chickens -.-
haha , its kinda funny la when those chickens start to cock a doodle doo .
hurhur xp
Then after that went to take a nap , &
idk why am i so tiring & sleepy .
haha XD
After that procced to kulai, well, what to do, its boring yaw, butt
start to ached, mp3 flat, sheesh .
& my foot ish swollen -.-
nicccccce .
blablabla, go back home & oops !
before that, i bought 2 bubble gums, haha !
&& saw ma 2nd lil bro[mizi] twin, haha !
exactly looked like him, his a police at woodlands checkpoint :p
ok doink, imy la superstar rockstar ^^

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Miss the moments when setting up the store of UNIQLO in ION ORCHARD [:

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Isnt she's cute & adorable?
aww, look exactly like me when i was a baby , huhu ^^

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Well, 2 days has passed, hari raya for me is still sucha bore but
still some part of it, made me smile [:
My cousin had given birth to a baby girl .
aww, she look exactly like me when i was a newborn baby [:
hurhur xp
her cheeks was so chubby & the smell, woooooots !
felt like coming to bedok now & carry her again [:
haha .
so cuuuuuute .
i wish im still a small kiddo, celebrating raya with
full of joy :DD
duit dapat banyak babe !

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Since im out of my old workplace, alot of things happened .
Alot of painful things happened recently .
I just cant bare with these tears i cried .Yea, alot of probs came to me this few weeks .
Even truthfully, doesnt have the mood to celebrate raya .
haiz .
I shouted back at people whom fight back with me cos i knew
alot of hatred inside me for long since im young .
If u guys really understands me, thats good .
Especially to dearest, i really understand him but i dont know how
to talk to him nicely sometimes .
I know much i had to really change my attitude starting from now.
Im useless cos im good in words not at doing .
Im praying so that my loves ones wont go away from me especially
dearest .
I learned my lesson now .
No point to cry cos things have happened.
Just really hope he forgive me cos everything that hurt me,
i have forgave him before hand [:
Cos i sincerely love him .
Whatever happens, just leave it to ALLAH .
I dont want to judge, cos i still believe, somewhere
in his heart, he still love me .
Its just his too follow with his temper & ego .
Hard heart at times & didnt know much how to express his love
towards me .
Thats why i still believe in him [:
& am staying strong cos i love him damn much
till i cant even move to other person to fall in love with .
Mummeh says, love is blind, be careful always, & i am.
But i know, now, his the only one in my heart that
i really really love the most
even we complicated things up at times.
I trust him .
I will keep smiling even when im being scolded .
Cos im giving in now .
I dont want to hurt him, understand his situation .
He may look ok outside, but deep down in his heart, i knew
he need someone to share with .
Still que that is unanswered .
He still have worries in him, i know .
Well, just want to say, i love him so much .
halal kan makan dan minum bby .
maafkan bby untuk semua dosa dosa yang bby buat dekat
u .
bby sedar, bby banyak menyusahkan u, byk menyakitkan hati u,
bby banyak cari pasal , marah2 u pon, u sanggup tak nak lepas kan bby.
bby pon rase gitu jugak, bby ikot perasaan .
bby banyak buat salah dekat u, bby mintak maaf banyak banyak :'(
bby memang bodoh , tak pakai otak sebelom cakap sesuatu .
bby cuma nak u tau, bby syg syg sangat dengan u.
u la satu satu nye, boleh tahan dgn perangai i
yang terok ni , u lah satu satu nye yang boleh berubah kan i, u la
satu satu nye yang boleh buat i senyum, walaupun kite selalu
gadoh :'(
bby kalau boleh, nak bersama dgn u seumur hidup .
bby nak sambut raya dgn u .
bby nak pakai baju raya pink dgn u & family kite .
psl bby tau, bby da tak cukup time lagi .
bby decided to go for an operation, tu pon dlm pertengahan bulan .
bby nak tengok u bahagia selalu .
maafkan i ok sayang ?
lepas u bace ni, msg i ok dear ?
bile da tak dekat singapore nanti, kirim salam ayah dan ibu dan abg
shamsul di sane .
ucapkan camat hari raya maaf zahir dan batin kepada sume keluarga u.
berhati-hati tau syg .
imysm, i hope u felt the same way toosh .
papai sayang .
kirim salam dekat kakak dan ibu jugak bile u balik jb nanti [:
u u u u, i sayang u. i jadi sundal, sume pasal u :D

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Zyzy wants him to be happy [:
& i got good news for him about that girl of his [:
I suggest to let him be with her now [:
Its ok if im alone, i dont want my love ones to suffer [:
& if im gone, i know that i will always be in his heart,
always be loving him [:

go for her, im happy to see u with her, really ;

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Tsktsk .
haha, today went to geylang with my mummeh, ma aunty & cousin [:
Went to look for mummeh baju kurung [:
End up i bought the same baju kurung as my cousin ezza.
haha .
kembar siam la sioooooot !
Then then i saw somebody la kann, thats ruff !
huhu ^^
happy sia member nampak gua !
suke? suke?
mati mati member nakk meet mummeh gua, haha !
kekek la lu .
but sorry la ruff if my cousin & li bro mengutuk psl u
ape entah la kann dowang akap psl ape kuwa dari kandang,?
haha .
sorry la, their cheeky man .
then i saw adelia, woohoo !
BIG BIG cmile i give, happy sia.
terlalu sioooot !
jeng jeng jeng, after that, go home !
zoooooooom !
gua mendak babe .
mau tido la sial!
haha, papai !
camat malam kepada lu lu semua !

Saturday, September 12, 2009

This guy here kann, haha !
Kecohx arx.
His my very favourite beshtie cikuuu cikuuu .
He told me once not to give up in life, his right after all [:
I chose him to be my 3rd beshtie in life cos i deserve a fwen like him yaw !
& i knew i love him so much as a great fwen
& hope he read this ok ?
huhu ^^
& eyawwwwn, dun need to worry about me no more .
ZYZY GILE ! *like what you've said to me last time -.-*
Hope to meet up with u one day ok?
cikuuu cikuuu :p
Well, eyan, tag me when u finish reading this blog
of mine ok?
Treasure u loads arx babe [:
&& eyan, thanx for everything & also for yesterday ^^
huhu ^^
appreciate it loads, when the time comes, i will strike.
msg u ltr beshtie cikuuu cikuuu kush ^^
tata !

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Zimah & Zyzy [:
Thanx for putting this picx to ur fb babe !

Ini beshtie cikuuu cikuuu gue !
Lu kacau, gua kacau alek aye !
Sayang sama lu !

Monday, September 7, 2009

This year celebrating raya, i will be wearing this light pink baby [:

Saturday, September 5, 2009



Thursday, September 3, 2009

Do i really look like this cat ?
My friend says i look exactly like this little kitty .
hmph !
I dont have whiskers, im a CATWOMAN !
But its so cute though, mushy cikuuuu boo =3
ok, thats all .
Post for only this kitty [:

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Well, yesterday was my last day of work, ive resigned .
Some reasons actually.
hehe .
Skipped my fasting day cos ive vomitted during work
yesterday, asked for early leave, WHAT THE HECK !
MY LAST DAY SIA, dun care about the work system ready .
hahahaha .
Met dearest at orchard around 5.30pm then proceed to city hall to meet fadli [:
We passed by this shoe shop, & dearest was like asking me,
"B, u cakap nakk beli kasot vans same same ngn i? u takk beli ker ?"
while asking, his nose blooms ?
No offence dear :pp
hees, cikuuuu cikuuuuu .
Then went to paya lebar, bought a new hp batt for dearest,
took my reserved kebaya, light pink in color .[ mummeh says my kebaya looks like a wedding dress -.- ]
Then went to bazaar, saw this SUPER HOT PINK SLEEVELESS DRESS .
*eyes full of heart shape*
totally in love with it .
but sad, no hot pink left, so i took the torquise .
ive bought it but not with the belt cos im saving $ ^^
then suddenly dearest give me $10 to buy the diamond belt .
i was like, "wow" .
so sweet of him.
but before this happen, he did gave me a surprise, not too big but for me,
its a total special,
that i wont ever forget .
He wore me a HEART SHAPE necklace, i was a total jerk to cry but
i didnt .
*tahan air mata kush*
thanx so much beybey [:
well, dearest said to me yesterday,"takk ape baby, ini jek la i boleh repay ur kindness
cos you've bought me alot of things, sesekali jek kann?"
& he hugged me .
hees .
ily ddy !
then i went back around 1am , reached home .
will upload those picx soon, dearest memory card
making a BIG BIG problem.
&& bby, i nakk meet kakak, ibu, abg boi & abg din soon cann ?
i mish them alot :'(
ok thats all .
later coming down to my ex-uniqlo workplace to get my taxi claims,
aye manager yg bau ketik, U HATE ME, I HATE U TOOSH BLODDY ASSHOLE .
IM OUTA HERE, so just give me that bloody taxi claim otey ketik?
tata !