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![]() Sweet 20 Attached I'm into fashion ♥ Jadore♥ ♥ Nizamdead ♥ Adeq Ah-een♥ ♥ Adie Nov 19 ♥ Diyanah KC ♥ Dellila ♥ Dyrawr ♥ Dee; kaysiao ♥ Elly Chan F21 ♥ Faz Maniac ♥ Fatwan Nov 19 ♥ Fanakechykk♥♥♥ ♥ Feycka Montello♥♥ ♥ Hani Beybey♥♥ ♥ Hidayah Helia ♥ Insan ♥ Idah Ryn ♥ Jocelyn F21 ♥ Leana♥♥ ♥ Liyana BA ♥ Mar ♥ Nadd ♥ Pikka ♥ Regina♥♥♥ ♥ Yantoi
March 2007
April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 May 2011
Thursday, October 28, 2010
i sucks big time :'(
im sucha dumbass !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'( stupid ego i have !!!!!!!!! oh god ! :'(
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
this past few days, i'm down with bad sorethroat, bad flu and bad migrane; in the other hand, missing my dearest , oh so much . i wish he was here with me, hugging me tight but eventually, he cant. we're currently busy with our own lifes and i understand that :') i miss his sweet warm kisses :'( haiz. i hope he's doing fine out there . i've never fail praying for his safety, no matter wherever he is. and yes, i'm majorly tired with work, but still life has to go on somehow, yeayea :3 and cant wait for this saturday cos my colleagues and me are celebrating halloween during work. I'M GOING TO BE THE SEDUCTIVE VAMPIRE !! hehehehehehe. zyzy suck your bloody blood. yummmm.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
nyeeeeeeeeeeee naaaaaaaaaakkk pergiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii kerjeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-"
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Relaku menunggumu Seribu tahun lama lagi Tapi benarkah hidup Aku kan selama ini Biar berputar ke arah selatan Ku tak putus harapan Sedia setia Relaku mengejarmu Seribu batu jauh lagi Tapi benarkah kakiku Kan tahan sepanjang jalan ini Biar membisu burung bersiulan Terlelah gelombang lautan Ku masih setia Adakah engkau tahu Ini cinta Adakah engkau pasti Ini untuk selama-lamanya Biar berputar utara selatan Ku tak putus harapan Sedia setia Jangan putus harapan Sedia setia…
Friday, October 22, 2010
GUESS WHAT ?! I KNOW YOU GUYS WILL FIND THIS LAME BUT BUT ..... I'VE LEARN HOW TO PLAY BLACKSHOT ! HAHA. nyeh nyeh nyeh, at first im not interested in lan games but since dardar insist, i try to . i find it's cool and fun though. bloody shoot the hell out of my enemies ! hehe , MUAHAHAHA XD huaaak ! i want to play it again but but, it was closed when we came to iluma again, around 10pm :( tsktsk. then me,dardar,rasul and mus decided to head home :) nevermind, there's still other days(when im free lala ?) p.s* ohoh, dardar, thanks ehx for giving my character name KEBOOMZ??!! "-.- takk stayle la. ala ala ! yela, u keboom i keboomz o.o okeh la. toodles ♥
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
I've got to change.
I seriously have to. I've not done enough . I'm so depressed right now :( fuck it ! i've hurt someone feelings again ? "zyzy are you kidding me ? your words are a little to harsh even you yourself didnt notice it :( " i'm myself this way since i was young but in fact, i have to change . i can't be forever talking crap to someone ? it's like what ? doesnt make any sense right ? "why zyzy why? you just missed the chance of changing your behaviours. how could you not control and think the positive way ? everytime, most of the time i might say, LOVES to compare between someone and F? cant you just like fucking stop talking about his bad stuff ? let him be, why must you care? it's over zyzy, it's over . hatred is controlling you and hey, you're with someone new, dont you think that someone will be a little/more hurt or sad whenever you mention his name ? fuck it zyzy ! FUCKING STOP IT ! it's the past, this is the future :(" im so sorry once again :'(
Monday, October 18, 2010
tsk tsk.
today was sooooooo tiring . oh well, 3 days straight im on afternoon shift and yea, u can imagine how hard/tiring it is to stand up all day long at work, putting back backrails and pack ?? sian "-.- everybody's battery are all flat, black faces all over . i even smoked 2 sticks at night . my back hurts . my legs are numb. my arms are fully cramped . lolx. bad day huh? and yay ! atlast, im on off tomorrow, that is wednesday :) weeeeeee ! finally, get to rest/shake legs at home, doing nothing. ala, for sure had to do house chores, feel no difference lei between at home and work ? still need to fold clothes. GAHH ! pfft . okeh end. i want to have my supper then. toodles sayangs ! Its been 3 days, including today, am working pm shift .
:( im so damn tired. ohoh, yesterday the best part, back from sentosa, went back to work, i fell asleep during briefing, infront of the operation manager somemore . lolx. im so damn freaking tired la. cant help it. my eyebags are buldging up, sian "-.- and i woke up early, like knnccb right ? cant even wake up late for a little while. use to it already, how ? "o.o
Thursday, October 14, 2010
![]() WOOOOOOTS WOOOOOOTS ! CANT WAIT TO MEET SHORTCAKE TOMORROW LA LALALALALAA ! hees :D its been days we never meet up ehx behbeh ?! ala ala rindu :) takk ape ! u mau cubit pipi i kuat2 ker, poke poke my baby fats ker, renung in my eyes for long , up to you la dear ! asalkan kau bahagia okeh ?! :D hope our daughter ika and son in law ipen can join us aye ? hehe ILOVEYOU BABYBOI ! ♥♥♥
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
![]() I, Norsazlina Binte Mohd Isa , would love to make this shoutout to all unknown bloggers, please fucking stop tagging me in my tagboard even u asked me to visit u back. its simply a crap shit website ive gone to. if you hate me, say it, leave my site, dont fucking irritate me, haters. u dont deserve me, i dont deserve u. u hate me, not my concern, just stop with this nonsence crap aye ? and oh, even u tag me alot of times with ur stupid site on it, i dont even bother to reply, why bother irritate me ? silly guys/girls :DD mature thinking please ? toodles !
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
![]() To my dear Ammar Hamizan: I don't care what u think about me not being happy with u through your eyes. it hurts alot when someone u love the most says that for this whole entire 2 months . even u cant see it through my eyes, but sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, you're my precious dear :'( i just cant believe i teared again . baby, u dont know how much u meant to me ? hmm ? im happy with u, i am but why are u saying this ? :'( why my dear ? you said u dont want to lose me but the way u say it, u are going to lose me any time soon. i dont expect it to happen anyway . i felt ive not done enough for u ? tell me dear, anything, what more u want me to do so that i can show u that i really am happy to be with you ? there's no one in life now but u and habib fwens. you were there for me, u made me happy :'( how can i not appreciate what u've done for me ? ur playing apart too :'( i love you so much, while typing this, im crying badly and u have no idea how my heart felt. hmm ? i dont want to lose u either. whenever we fought, i dont even have the guts to say "kau aku" with u. u promised me not to but u did :'( baby what am i to u ? am i a lover to u or just a friend to u? :'( i have nothing to say. im still loving u :'( |